Syntax highlighter


cond-expand enchancement

When I'm writing a library or tools, I usually write them working on the current release version of Sagittarius, unless R6RS portable one. However, I often want to use the development branch version of the features as well, especially with the new procedures.

Since R7RS, cond-expand has the library clause, which checks if the library specified in the clause exists or not. If you are handling multiple implementations, this feature is useful, for example, if one of the implementations doesn't support SRFI-1, then you can write a compatible layer easily. However, if there's a new procedure and/or macro added in a new version of Sagittarius, this library clause doesn't work as I want. To resolve this dilemma, I've added the new version clause to cond-expand.

The version clause can be used to cooperate among Sagittarius versions. The below example shows how to split the process between 0.9.12 and earlier.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius) ;; for cond-expand
        (sagittarius crypto keys))

 ((and cond-expand.version (version (>= "0.9.12")))
  ;; secp160r1 is supported since 0.9.12
  (generate-key-pair *key:ecdsa*
                     :ec-parameter *ec-parameter:secp160r1*))
  ;; default ECDSA key pair for earlier version
  (generate-key-pair *key:ecdsa*)))
The cond-expand.version is required to make it work on Sagittarius version earlier than 0.9.12.

I personally think this feature should be incorporated into R7RS but I'm too lazy to write a SRFI.


OAS stub


Swagger/OpenAPI Specificationは多分誰でも知っているだろう。Microserviceな流れになっていた前職で10を超えるバックエンドサービスに接続する必要があったのだが、毎回stubを書くのは馬鹿らしいと思い提供されているAPI定義(たいていSwaggerかOAS)を読み込んだらリクエストの検査からレスポンスの生成をやってくれないかなぁと思って作ったものの焼き増しがOAS stubになる。実際にこのアプリはかなり便利で、恐ろしく時間の短縮が可能だった*1ので多分OSSにしても需要があるんじゃないかなぁと。

基本的な使用方法は今のところ二つ、Spring Bootアプリとしてスタンドアローンにするか、テスト用フレームワークとして使うか。


スタンドアローンなアプリを作るにはまず以下の依存関係をpom.xmlに入れる。ちなみにSpring Bootは3.1.xが必須。2.x.x系では動かないので注意。

一応BOMもあるのでそっちがいいならBOMをio.github.ktakashi.oas.stub:oas-stub-bom:1.2.0dependencyManagementに入れると良い。この依存を入れるとAutoConfigurationが勝手に動くので、後は普通にSpring Bootアプリケーションを書くだけ。こんな感じ。

package com.example;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class ExampleApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);



っで、Spring Bootテストに以下のアノテーションとサービスを追加する。

package com.example;

import io.github.ktakashi.oas.test.OasStubTestService;
import io.github.ktakashi.oas.test.server.AutoConfigureOasStubServer;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;

public class ExampleApplicationTest {
    private OasStubTestService oasStubTestService; 






[1]: それまではスタブ一個追加するのに一週間とかかかってたのが、5分で済むようになった。
[2]: BDDいいよ、ビジネスアプリならユニットテストよりまずこっちを入れるべき。
[3]: まぁ、このプラグイン機構はセキュリティとか一切考慮していないので、このアプリを本番環境に置くのは全くお勧めしてない。




2023年9月から銀行Iで働くことになった。前職である銀行Rではオランダで最も使われているペイメントスキームの一つであるiDealのメンテナンス及びメジャーバージョンアップに多大に貢献した。当然ではあるが、履歴書にそのことを載せていた。ちなみに、銀行Iはオランダ最大手の銀行かつ銀行Rの競合他社であるが、iDealのメジャーバージョンアップ(以降iDeal 2.0)において銀行Rの後塵を配していた。自慢になるが、銀行RがiDeal 2.0において他の追随を許さない勢いで成功を収めたのは、僕の功績が大きい*1。ちなみに銀行Iに転職する前の面接では一応そのことを仄めかしていたが、大きくは取り上げなかった。個人的にiDeal 2.0に関わりたくなかったし*2

転職直後の月曜日に別のチームのマネージャからなぜか「coffee catch up」というタイトルのミーティングが飛んでくる。そして、その直後のマネージャから同様の招待がその前日にスケージュールされる。ぶっちゃけ、なんだこれ状態に陥る。よくわからんなぁと思いつつ、マネージャからの話を聞くと、

  • iDeal 2.0を仕切っているマネージャからであること
  • 要は引き抜きを行いたいということ

という話であった。いや、まだ開発環境のセットアップすら終わってませんが。銀行Rを辞める直前くらいに元同僚と、銀行IはiDeal 2.0で悲惨な結果を残したからうっかりすると引き抜かれるんじゃね?みたいな笑い話をしていたのだが、これが冗談でなくった瞬間であった。

っで、当日のミーティング。基本的には顔合わせみたいな意味合いだと言われて臨んだのだが、そもそも別のチームのマネージャと顔合わせを自分のマネージャより前にするとか今までやったことないよなぁ、と思いつつ話を聞く。要点は、まぁ上記にプラスしてEPIのチームが結成されるがどう?みたいな話。iDeal 2.0には難色を示しつつ、EPIは興味あると答える。実際興味あるし。この時すでに、半々くらいでiDeal 2.0を手伝ってほしいみたいなことを言われる。いや、まだ開発環境すら…

一週間後、部長みたいな地位の人と顔合わせさせられる。この時点で異動ケテーイ。ぶっちゃけ笑うしかないスピード感。この時に、どうやら7、8月に既に取り合いが発生していたという話を聞く。どうも、僕の履歴書をiDeal 2.0やらEPIやらのマネージャが見たらしい。そして、銀行Rでの立役者ならこっちでも同じことやってほしいみたいな話になったとかなんとか。


*1: なんだけど、当時のマネージャは全くそれを認めずあまつさえ、僕いなくてもいいんじゃね?という扱いをしてくれた。これが決め手となり転職を決意。ぶっちゃけ、どんなけ功績立てても評価(主に給料アップとか)されないならいる意味ないしね。

*2: 24/7かつ稼働率99.5%が義務付けられていたので、結構夜中の電話とかくらうのですよ。



同僚のスクリーンセーバが英単語とその意味を表示するやつなのをみて、こういうのあると便利かなぁと思い始めたのでなんとなく似た感じのものを作ってみた。まぁそこまで似ているというほどでもないのだが、起動するとコンソールに単語の意味と例文をなんちゃってカード形式で表示するというもの。ちなみに単語はUrban Dictionaryの非公式APIを使って取得していたりするので、このスクリプトがある日突然使えなくなっても泣かないようにしないといけない。



  • (net http-client): モダン(なつもり)な非同期HTTPライブラリ
  • (text json jmespath): JMESPathライブラリ
  • (rfc uri-template): RFC 6570準拠なURIテンプレートライブラリ
  • (sagittarius combinators): コンビネーターライブラリ
  • (util concurrent): 並列処理ライブラリ


Remote debugger(ish)

In the previous post, I've mentioned that I needed to collect all threads to see which one is hanging. After implementing it, I've also noticed that all threads were hanging. So I've decided to implement a better remote debugger(ish).


The functions and interface are experimental, so it might get changed in the future.

Suppose we have this script:

(import (rnrs)
        (srfi :1)
        (srfi :18)
        (sagittarius debug))

;; Creating a remote debugger. You can specify a specific port number as well
(define remote-debugger (make-remote-debugger "0"))
;; Showing the port.
(print "Debugger port: " (remote-debugger-port remote-debugger))

(define ((sleep-in-deep name time))
  (define (before-sleep)
    (format #t "~a wants to sleep~%" name))
  (define (after-sleep time)
    (format #t "~a slept for ~a but wants to sleep more~%" name time))
  (define (sleep time) (thread-sleep! time))
  (sleep time)
  (after-sleep time))

(define threads
  (map thread-start!
       (map (lambda (i)
              (make-thread (sleep-in-deep i (* i 1800))
                           (string-append "sleep-" (number->string i))))
            (iota 3))))
(for-each thread-join! threads)

It doesn't do anything but just sleeps. Now, if you run the script, it shows this kind of message on the cosole.

Debugger port: 50368
0 wants to sleep
0 slept for 0 but wants to sleep more
2 wants to sleep
1 wants to sleep

At this moment, remote debugger is just a type of remote REPL, so open Emacs and run sagittarius (can be older one). Then do like this

sash> (import (sagittarius remote-repl))
sash> (connect-remote-repl "localhost" "50368")

connect: localhost:50368 (enter ^D to exit) 

It's connected, then I want to check hanging threads.

sash> (for-each print (sleeping-threads))
#<thread root runnable 0x10ac6dc80>
#<thread remote-debugger-thread-1295 runnable 0x10bdb8640>
#<thread sleep-1 runnable 0x10bdb8000>
#<thread sleep-2 runnable 0x10c6e0c80>

I have 4 threads hanging. root is the main thread, so I can ignore. remote-debugger-thread-1295, the number varies, is a remote debugger's server thread, I can ignore this as well. So, the rest of the threads are the targets. I want to filter it for the later usage. I can simply do this:

sash> (define t* (filter (lambda (t) (and (string? (thread-name t)) (string-prefix? "sleep-" (thread-name t)))) (sleeping-threads)))

Now, let's see the backtrace of the threads.

(for-each print (map thread->pretty-backtrace-string t*))
Thread sleep-1
stack trace:
  [1] thread-sleep!
  [2] sleep-in-deep
    src: (thread-sleep! time)

Thread sleep-2
stack trace:
  [1] thread-sleep!
  [2] sleep-in-deep
    src: (thread-sleep! time)


It seems the sleep-in-deep is calling the thread-sleep! procedure. Okay, what's the value of the time?

To see those variables, I need to collect the backtrace of the threads. Like this:

sash> (define bt* (map thread-backtrace t*))

A backtrace contains multiple frames, in this example, each backtrace of the threads contains 2 frames. I want to see the first one which is the thread-sleep! frame. So, doing this:

sash> (for-each print (map (lambda (bt) (thread-backtrace-arguments bt 1)) bt*))
((local (0 . 1800)))
((local (0 . 3600)))

1800 and 3600 seconds! That's why the threads are hanging (obviously...).

In this example, I only showed how to see the arguments (local variables and free variables), but the remote debugger has a bit more functionality, such as inspecting objects and accessing its slots. Using this debugger, I found the root cause of the bug made me suffer for a couple of weeks.


Thread monitoring

When I write multi thread programs, it's always a trouble to debug whenever a thread hangs. That's because:

  1. You don't see what's going on. I don't put logging when I write a library and I don't usually use raw thread.
  2. The problem is gone away if I put a debug print
  3. And/or it happens only once in a hundred

So, I started thinking that if I want to resolve this, it has to be a fundamental solution instead of AdHoc one.

Now, what could be a fundamental solution for this? Before forming ideas, which may not even be applicable, I need to think what's the requirements to debug hanged threads. So, things what I want to see are:

  1. State of the thread If it's running, sleeping, waiting whatsoever
  2. Where the location is or which procedure is being called.
  3. Who the caller of the procedure is

Looking at these, it's basically thread introspection. This means, I need to know the thread, even though once a thread is created, then we just release it to dark space hoping he can manage his wellness (I feel like a parent looking at my own child leaving the house 😢). If you need to be a worrying parent, you need to let your children have a GPS to track where they are. Okay then, let Sagittarius be a good parent for his own children (threads).

The idea came up in my mind is to change the VM architecture. Currently, a VM, as we all know it's an abbreviation of Virtual Machine, is a thread. So, whenever a thread is created, then we have a new VM. Now, there must be a manager to holds / monitor the threads. I don't dare to change names, so let's the manager kernel. Then the architecture should look like this:

|              kernel                |
    | threads
  |   | main | * |
             | * | child | * |
                         | * | child | * |

Threads should be stored in a double-linked list and each threads should have the reference of the kernel to make my life easier. With this architecture, it seems I can add extra thread to monitor other siblings from Scheme world.

I feel I'm overlooking something but probably a good starting point.


New crypto library

Last year, I've written a portable cryptographic library Springkussen. And then I've also noticed that (crypto) and (math) libraries are not really well designed. For example, a cipher object must support both encryption and signing operations which can only be applied to RSA operations. So, I decided to rewrite Sagittarius' cryptograpihc library and now I can show what it looks like.

Library structure

The old (crypto) and (math) libraries are basically aggregated libraries. This means it exports a lot of bindings even if you don't need them. The new cryptographic libraries are per components, for example, if you only need cipher operations, then you only need to import (sagittarius crypto ciphers) library. So, users need to combine the libraries to achieve the target operation.

(math) library is also integrated to (sagittarius crypto *). For example, message digest operations are located in (sagittarius crypto digests).

Most of the cryptographic operations are now provided by one of the (sagittarius crypto *) libraries. The existing libraries are replaced by them and some of them are deprecated. For example, (rfc x.509) library now re-exports the (sagittarius crypto *) procedures.

Example of block cipher operations

This is an example of how to use block cipher operations provided by (sagittarius crypto ciphers) library. Suppose, you want to encrypt a message with a randomly generated key and export the key as plain text. (Don't do this kind of operation in production, exporting a plain key is not a good practice...)

The library doesn't provide key operations, such as generating a symmetric key. So, you need to import (sagittarius crypto keys) library as well. To combine them, you can do it like this:

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius crypto ciphers)
        (sagittarius crypto keys))

;; Generate a random key suitable for AES-256
(define key (generate-symmetric-key *scheme:aes-256*))

;; Using ECB mode, with PKCS7 padding
;; Don't do it in production code :)
(define aes-cipher (make-block-cipher *scheme:aes-256* *mode:ecb* pkcs7-padding))

(define msg (string->utf8 "Hello new crypto library"))

;; No parameter needed
(block-cipher-init! aes-cipher (cipher-direction encrypt) key)
(block-cipher-encrypt-last-block aes-cipher msg)
;; -> bytevector length of 32 (2 blocks), the result is always different

;; Clean up
(block-cipher-done! aes-cipher)

;; A symmetric key is exportable, so you can export
(exportable->bytevector key)
;; -> bytevector length of 32

To see how the current development branch looks, you can also use the Docker image of edge tag. If you put the above script into crypto.scm file, then you can execute it with the below command:

docker run -it --mount src=$(pwd),target=/scripts,type=bind ktakashi/sagittarius:edge scripts/crypto.scm

Though the cache is not available, so loading a script may take a lot of time...