Let's start Scheme


Loop macro for Scheme

The inspiration came from this article's comment: 10.times - Island Life

I'm not a CL user but I sometimes think CL's loop macro is really convenient if I want to write something really small. (I don't think I want to write big stuff with it. It's too complicated to me.) So why don't I write something looks like it?

Here is that something. It doesn't cover whole loop macro but some.
(import (except (rnrs) for-each map) (only (srfi :1) iota for-each map))

(define-syntax %loop
  (syntax-rules (:for :in :do :repeat :collect)
    ((_ (vars ...) (body ...) op :for var :in l rest ...)
     (%loop ((var l) vars ...) (body ...) op rest ...))
    ((_ (vars ...) (body ...) op :repeat n rest ...)
     (%loop ((tmp (iota n)) vars ...) (body ...) op rest ...))
    ((_ (vars ...) (body ...) op :do expr rest ...)
     (%loop (vars ...) (expr body ...) for-each rest ...))
    ((_ (vars ...) (body ...) op :collect expr rest ...)
     (%loop (vars ...) (expr body ...) map rest ...))
    ;; last
    ;; do trivial case first
    ((_ () (body ...) op)
     ;; infinite loop
     (do () (#f) body ...))
    ((_ ((var init) ...) (body ...) op)
     (op (lambda (var ...) body ...) init ...))))

(define-syntax loop
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ clause ...)
     (%loop () () #f clause ...))))

(loop :for i :in '(1 2 3 10) 
      :for j :in '(4 5 6)
      :do (begin (display i) (display j) (newline)))

(loop :repeat 10 :do (begin (display 'ok) (newline)))

 (loop :for i :in '(1 2 3 10) 
       :for j :in '(4 5 6)
       :collect (+ i j))) (newline)
;; (loop :do (begin (display 'ok) (newline)))
I'm not sure if this is useful or not and I don't want to go deep inside of the crucial loop macro specification either, though :-)

NOTE: I've tested above code Racket (plt-r6rs), Mosh, Ypsilon and Sagittarius but Ypsilon raises an exception when the given list length are not the same.

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