Let's start Scheme


Or, and-let* and tail position

It's about I was stupid enough not to think where actually tail position is.

Let's see the following expression:
(or (returns-false)
The first returns-false wouldn't be tail position unless implementation does some magic. It's easy to explain why not only it's explicitly written in R7RS. If you write or with macro, the it'd look like this:
(define-syntax or
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ expr) expr)
    ((_ expr expr* ...)
     (let ((t expr)) ;; this is why it's not tail position
       (if t t (or expr* ...))))))
I'm not that stupid just in case you'd think like that.

Now, there's a SRFI which defines and-let*. Using this, you can write nested and and let very simply like this:
(and-let* ((a (returns-something))
           ( (symbol? a) )
           (b (returns-other-thing))
           ( (string? b) ))
  (do-something a b))
would be expanded like this:
(let ((a (returns-something)))
  (and a
       (symbol? a)
       (let ((b (returns-other-thing)))
         (and b
              (string? b)
              (do-something a b))))) ;; this is tail position
You'd probably know what I want to say. Yes, combination like this made me lost...
(or (and-let* (...) body ...)
For some reason, I was thinking the last expression in the body would be tail position. Well, doesn't it look like it? And my defence, might make me look more stupid, is that the place where it happened was rather deeply nested (at least for me) and kinda long process. So I couldn't see or in a glance.

Although, it wouldn't hurt that much if you aren't doing recursion. You know what? Yes, I did... on the compiler. If you make a huge expression with internal define, then stack overflow happened because of this mistake. It can happen when the internal define is more than 100 or so (if not, it just consume large stack). Who would write more than 100 internal define? Me, of course.

Don't get me wrong, I don't write by hand (well, rarely maybe) but with macro. Recently, I'm writing SQL parser with (packrat) library and the packrat-parser macro converts the BNF looks like definition into bunch of internal define expressions. If you have never seen how BNF of SQL looks like, then just look this. Even though, it's not completed yet however the parser definition is already close to 2000 LoC. Haven't counted the number of internal definition but at least more than 100. If there's such numbers of internal definition, then stack overflow would happen.

When I fix this problem on compiler, I would expect that it'd also improve the performance. Because of the occupation of the stack area, it'd have impacted some GC performance. The result was not that much. The simple benchmark (just loading sitelib/text/sql/parser.scm) showed 300ms improvement from 7700ms. Well, it's more like an error range.

Anyway, this improvement, at least, save my sanity a bit.


S式SQL その3

なんとなく必要そうな部分が動くようになってきた。SQL 2003のBNFをほぼそのままSchemeにした形なので無駄に冗長かつ、こんなのいつ使うんだ?的な構文までサポートされている。ほとんどyak shavingに近いような感じで時間だけ取られ、モチベーションを保つのが大変だった。おかげで役に立たなさそうなSQLの構文的な知識が増えた気もする。まぁ、すぐに忘れるだろうけど。

(import (rnrs) (text sql))

(define sql "select * from t")

(sql->ssql (open-string-input-port sql))
;; -> (select * (from t))
(import (rnrs) (text sql))

(define sql "select * from t inner join a using (id)")

(sql->ssql (open-string-input-port sql))
;; -> (select * (from (t (inner-join a (using id)))))
(select :* (from :t) (inner-join :a :on (:= :t.id a.id))) 
select * 
from t inner join a using (id)
   , b /* who the heck would write like this? */



  • 識別子の連結
  • Unicode文字列のデコード
  • likesimilar toESCAPE演算子
最初のはパースしただけの状態だとa.b.c(~ a b c)となるので、これをa.b.cというシンボルにする。これはUnicodeやdelimited識別子もいい感じに扱ってくれる。ただ、書き出す際に大文字小文字の情報を失うので、delimitedな識別子はちょっと考える必要があるかもしれない。
二つ目のはU&で始まる識別子もしくは文字列に含まれるUnicodeエスケープをいい感じに文字にするもの。現状surrogate pairとかは全く考慮しない(integer->charするだけな)ので際どい系の文字は危ないかもしれないが。





この記事はLisp Advent Calendar 2015 の二日目として書かれました。

R7RS-smallでは低レベル健全マクロが定義されなかったため SchemerはR5RSから続くsyntax-rulesを使ってマクロを書くことを強いられることになった。syntax-rulesはよくできた健全マクロシステムではあるが、書き方を知らなければ複雑なマクロを書くことができない。ここでは中級程度のマクロを書くために必要な手法を紹介することとする。特に要求するレベルというものを設けることはしないが、想定する読者はここ(秘伝のタレマクロができるまで)に書かれているレベルのマクロは書けるがそれ以上のことがしたい方としている。


  • 識別子比較
  • CPSマクロ


syntax-rulesを用いたマクロに於ける識別子の比較とは、その識別子に束縛されているものの比較と言い換えることができる。これはR7RSの4.3.2 パターン言語にあるマッチングルール第3項に定義されている。
P is a literal identifier and E is an identifier with the same binding;
R7RS 4.3.2 Pattern Language
(import (rename (scheme base) (else scheme:else)))

(define else #f)

(cond (else 'ng)
      (scheme:else 'ok))
;; -> ok

(cond (scheme:else 'ng)
      (else 'ng))
;; syntax error
(import (scheme base))

(define-syntax free-identifier=??
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ a b)
     (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules (a)
                         ((_ a) #t)
                         ((_ _) #f))))
       (foo b)))))

(free-identifier=?? a a)
;; -> #t

(free-identifier=?? a b)
;; -> #f

(import (scheme base) (rename (only (scheme base) car) (car scheme:car)))

;; definition of free-identifier=??

(free-identifier=?? car scheme:car)
;; -> #t

Defined or undefined?(英語)

(import (scheme base))

(define-syntax foo
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ a b)
     (let-syntax ((bar (syntax-rules (a)
                         ((_ a) #t)
                         ((_ _) #f))))
       (bar b)))
    ((_ t* ...)
     (foo t t* ...))))
;; -> #t


CPSマクロとはCPS(Continuation Passing Style)で書かれたマクロのことである。この名称が一般的かどうかというのはここでは議論しないこととする。

(define-syntax foo
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (a b)) 'ok)))

(define-syntax bar
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_) (a b))))

(foo (bar))
;; -> syntax error

(define-syntax foo
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (a b)) 'ok)))

(define-syntax bar
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ k) (k (a b)))))

(bar foo)
;; -> ok





(define-syntax massq
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ k id alist)
(letrec-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules (id)
                       ((_ ((id . d) rest ...)) (k (id . d))
                       ((_ ((a . d) rest ...))  (foo (rest ...))))))
  (foo alist))
(define-syntax massq
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ k id (alist ...))
     (letrec-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules (id)
                            ((_ ((id . d) rest (... ...))) (k (id . d))
                            ((_ ((a . d) rest (... ...)))  (foo (rest (... ...)))))))
       (foo alist)))))
(define-syntax massq
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ k id alist)
     (letrec-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules (id)
                            ((_ ((id . d1) rest (... ...)) 
                                ((a . d2) rest2 (... ...)))
                             (k (a . d2)))
                            ((_ ((a1 . d1) rest (... ...))
                                ((a2 . d2) rest2 (... ...)))
                             (foo (rest (... ...)) (rest2 (... ...)))))))
       (foo alist alist)))))



なおこの記事はこれらの手法を使って複雑怪奇なマクロを書くことを推奨するものではないが、言語を拡張するレベルのマクロを書く際には必要になる(かもしれない)ものではある。更なるマクロの深淵を覗きたい方はOleg氏のLow- and high-level macro programming in Schemeがいろいろまとまっているので参照するとよいだろう。


S式SQL その2


SQLにはqualified identifierというものがある。何かといえば「.」で繋げられたあれである。例えば以下のSQLをS式にするとする:
select f.bar from foo f;
(select (f.bar) (from (as foo f)))
asをつけるかどうかは決めてない(SQL的には要らない子でもS式的にはあった方がいいような)。大抵の場合はこれで問題ないんだけど、SQLにはdelimited identifierというものがある。例えばこんなにも合法なSQL:
select f."bar" from foo f;
SchemeにはR7RSから「||」が入ったんだからdelimited identifierもそれでいいじゃん?と思わなくもない。S式からSQL文字列にした際にどうするとか考えなければだけど。

select f.U&"\0062ar" from foo f;
select f.U&"$0062ar" uescape '$' from foo f;
誰が書くんだこんなのというレベルだが、テーブルやカラム名にASCII以外を使っているとありえるのかもしれない。さらに、U&"$0062ar" uescape '$'はunicode delimited identifierというトークンなので、単なる識別子として処理される。つまり、末尾である必要がなく、以下も合法:
select U&"$0066" uescape '$'.U&"$0062ar" uescape '$' from foo f;
涙出そう。ここまで行くと全てを捨ててシンボルでというわけにはいかないので、SQLの読み込みで作られるqualified identifierはリストにすることにした。こんな感じ:
(select ((@ (unicode (! "$0066") uescape "$") (unicode (! "$0062ar") uescape "$"))) 
 (from (as foo f)))


追記:qualified indentifierをスロットアクセスと考えれば「~」を使うのはありかもしれないなぁ。後は連結に何を割り当てるか考えないとなぁ。







  • 予約語:シンボル
  • テーブル名、カラム名(識別子):シンボル
  • 文字列:文字列
  • 数値:数値
  • ステートメント:リスト
  • 式:前置リスト
  • 関数呼び出し:前置リスト(式ではないもの)
(select ((count *)) (from foo) (where (and (< 1 id) (< id 10)))
;; = select count(*) from foo where (1 < id and id < 10); 
他の文は適宜考えることにする。IS NOT NULLみたいなのはどうしようかなぁと悩み中。多分(not (null? ...))みたいにする。

パーサは軽く書いたけどずっと大変なんだよなぁ。BNFがあるのでpackratを使ってゴリゴリ書いていくつもりではあるが。とりあえず全く必要なさそうなEmbedded SQLとかはばっさり切ってしまって問題ないだろう。後は適当に何とかするしかないかなぁ。






(define-library (A)
  (export inc!)
  (import (scheme base) (scheme write))
    (define inc! 
      (let ((count 0)) 
        (lambda () 
          (set! count (+ count 1))

(define-library (B)
  (export count-B)
  (import (scheme base) (A))
  (begin (define count-B (inc!)))

(define-library (C)
  (export count-C)
  (import (scheme base) (A))
  (begin (define count-C (inc!)))

(import (B) (C))

;; -> 1

;; -> 1 or 2


(import (scheme eval))

;; library (A) is the same as above
(eval '(inc!) (environment '(A)))
;; -> 1

(eval '(inc!) (environment '(A)))
;; -> ???
Regardless of the number of times that a library is loaded, each program or library that imports bindings from a library must do so from a single loading of that library, regardless of the number of import declarations in which it appears. That is, (import (only (foo) a)) followed by (import (only (foo) b)) has the same effect as (import (only (foo) a b)).
environmentの引数はimport specである必要があるので、無理やり読めば上記に該当するような気がする。ついでに、プログラムの定義が一つ以上のimport句と式と定義されてる、かつライブラリが複数回読まれる可能性は、読み込みが複数のプログラムもしくはライブラリからなので。

(import (scheme base) (prefix (scheme base) scheme:))

;; a.scm
(import (A))

;; other file
(import (scheme load))
(load "a.scm")
(load "a.scm")



Defined or undefined?

R7RS doesn't mandate implementations to load a library only once, unlike R6RS. I believe, the reason why is that letting implementators to have variety of options such as without creating/storing library definition anywhere but each time it'd be evaluated. Understandable, just rather inefficient to me. Also it defines the behaviour of multiple import clauses of the same library.

Now, I've got a question. What should happen if there are 2 the same libraries import in the same import clause and one (or more) of the identifier(s) is(are) renamed like this?
(import (scheme base) (rename (only (scheme base) car) (car kar)))

;; are car and kar required to be the same binding?
Honestly, I couldn't read if it's required to be the same in such case from R7RS. Though my guess is the followings:
  • The last paragraph of section 5.6.1 only specifies the case of 2 import clauses importing the same libraries
  • This type of import can't be merged into one import in sense of R7RS import definition (or can it be?)
  • Thus this can be multiple import of the same library.
  • The third last paragraph of section 5.6.1 suggesting the possibility of multiple load when there's multiple import of the same library (can be interpreted as multiple evaluation of library).
The point that I'm not totally sure is that the paragraph which suggest the possibility of multiple load says that this would happen when the library is imported more than one program or library. This would also be interpreted if a library imported twice in the same script or library, then it should only be loaded once. If this interpretation is correct, then above car and kar must be the same bindings. Otherwise, can be different.

Why this matters? Generally, it doesn't. Just wondering if the last case of this Gist is required to print #t by R7RS.

I've also posted this question to comp.lang.scheme: this


Explicit Renamingが解るかもしれない解説

R7RS-largeではExplicit Renaming(以下ER)が入ると噂されている。まだSRFIすら出ていないのでいつになるのか全く不明ではあるのだが、それがどのように動くかを理解しておけば近い将来(と信じたい)ERが入った際に慌てふためくこともないだろう。といってもsyntax-caseより遥かに簡単なので身構える必要もないのではあるが。


(import (scheme base))
;; import er-macro-transformer
  (gauche (import (gauche base)))
  (sagittarius (import (sagittarius)))
  (chibi (import (chibi)))
  (else (error "sorry")))

(define-syntax my-let
    (lambda (form rename compare)
      ;; form = (let bindings body ...)
      ;; bindings = ((var val) ...)
      (let ((bindings (cadr form))
            (body (cddr form)))
 `((,(rename 'lambda) ,(map car bindings) ,@body)
   ,@(map cadr bindings))))))
(let ((lambda 'boo))
  (my-let ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ a b)))
;; -> 3


ERの動作原理は実に単純である。リネーム手続きはシンボルをマクロ定義時の環境から見える識別子にして返す。例えば上記の例ではmy-letが定義された際に見える識別子というのは(scheme base)からエクスポートされているものになる。これはlambdaを含むのでリネーム手続きにシンボルlambdaを渡すと(scheme base)からエクスポートされているlambdaを指す識別子を返してくる。
;; very naive/simple image

;; environment when my-let is bound
;; ((exporting-name . actual-binding-name) ...)
'((lambda . |lambda@(scheme base)|)
  ... ;; so on

;; very naive implementation of rename procedure
(define (rename s)
  ;; (macro-environment) returns the above environment
  (cond ((assq s (macro-environment)) => cdr)
   ;; convert to identifier which is bound in macro-environment
   #;(implementation-dependent-procedure s)

(define-syntax foo
    (lambda (form rename compare)
      (list (rename 'a) (rename 'a)))))
;; -> list of the same identifiers in sense of bound-identifier=?

(let () (foo))
;; -> list of the same identifiers as above macro expansion
;;    because input of rename is always 'a
「Hygienic Macros Through Explicit Renaming」によればリネーム手続きの呼出毎にeqv?#tを返す識別子が新に作られるが、多くのR7RS処理系(Gauche、Chibi、Sagittarius)では同一のオブジェクトを返すようになっている。もちろんそれに依存したコードを書くと後で痛い目にあうかもしれない。


(define-syntax bar (syntax-rules ()))
(define-syntax foo
    (lambda (form rename compare)
      (define (print . args) (for-each display args) (newline))
      (print (compare (cadr form) (rename 'bar))))))

(foo bar)
;; -> #t

(foo foo)
;; -> #f

(let ((bar 1))
  (foo bar))
;; -> #f
一つ目の(foo bar)では与えられたbarは大域に束縛されたbarと同一の束縛を指すので#tが返る。これは以下のようにした際に参照される束縛と同一のものと考えれば自明である。
;; -> syntax error
二つ目の(foo foo)barではないので#fが返る。
三つ目の(foo bar)は引数barがマクロ展開時に見える束縛と異る為に、この場合は局所変数barが見える、#fを返す。




William D Clinger - Hygienic Macros Through Explicit Renaming


er-macro-transformer on top of syntax-case

There are numbers of low level hygienic macros in Scheme world. The most famous ones are probably the followings:
  • explicit renaming
  • syntax-case
  • syntactic closure
Of course there are more (e.g. ir, reverse syntactic) but if you discuss low level hygienic macros, then above would usual be the ones.

R6RS has syntax-case and rumour says R7RS would have explicit renaming. According to this article, if implementations have one of them, then the rest can be implemented atop it. I'm wondering is it really true? Very lame conclusion is true. Because Sagittarius uses kind of syntactic closure and implements both explicit renaming and syntax-case. Now, can it be done in a portable way?

So I've wrote this. It seems this can work most of R6RS implementations except Racket. Though I haven't tested on Larceny, Guile and Vicare yet, they are using either Psyntax or van Tonder expander such as Mosh and IronScheme (Psyntax) or NMosh (van Tonder). So should work.

The basic idea of the implementation is very simple. rename procedure is a simple wrapper of datum->syntax. compare is free-identifier=?. Then wrap the returning form with datum->syntax*.

The initial revision of the Gist used mere datum->syntax. This wasn't good enough because the procedure should only accept datum not syntax object. The error was raised by Psyntax implementations and Racket. Then I've been suggested to walk thought the returning form.

I first thought this won't work because traversing and constructing a new form would return a list not a syntax object. However I was just didn't consider thoroughly. If I use syntax-case and quasisyntax (with-syntax could also be), then I can construct syntax object containing syntax object renamed by er-macro-transformer. So I've rewrite the code. Then most of the R6RS implementation seem working. Even Racket seems working if the macro is very simple like the one on the comment.

Now, my question is 'Is this R6RS portable?'. R6RS standard libraries 12.2 says:
The distinction between the terms “syntax object” and “wrapped syntax object” is important. For example, when invoked by the expander, a transformer (section 12.3) must accept a wrapped syntax object but may return any syntax object, including an unwrapped syntax object.
So transformer *MAY* return unwrapped syntax object. Though what I'm doing is returning wrapped syntax object so should be fine. What I couldn't read is whether or not a syntax object can contain syntax object(s) inserted by other transformer. If this is required feature, then this might be a bug of Racket. Otherwise this is not portable.

I hope it's a bug of Racket, then you (not me) can write an explicit renaming SRFI with sample implementation.

For convenience, embedded source.





(import (rnrs))

(let* ([pos 0]
       [p (make-custom-binary-input-port
           "custom in"
           (lambda (bv start count)
             (if (= pos 16)
                   (set! pos (+ 1 pos))
                   (bytevector-u8-set! bv start pos)
           (lambda () pos)
           (lambda (p) (set! pos p))
           (lambda () 'ok))])
  (get-bytevector-n p 3))
;;-> #vu8(1 2 3)


  1. バッファを埋める処理を別枠にする
  2. 現状ポート側でやってることをget-bytevector-nに移す



(import (scheme base) (scheme write))

(define-syntax assocm
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ key (alist ...))
     (letrec-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules (key)
                            ((_ (key . e) res (... ...)) (key . e))
                            ((_ (a . d) res (... ...)) (foo res (... ...))))))
       (foo alist ...)))))

;; a bit of trick to avoid unbound variable
(define (c d) (list 'c d))
(define d 1)

(assocm c ((a b) (b d) (c d) (d d)))
;; -> (c 1)
(define-syntax cdrm
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (a . d)) d)))

(cdrm (c . d))
;; -> 1
(cdrm (assocm c ((a b) (b d) (c d) (d d))))
;; -> error
(define-syntax assocm/cps
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ k key (alist ...))
     (letrec-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules (key)
                            ((_ (key . e) res (... ...)) (k (key . e)))
                            ((_ (a . d) res (... ...)) (foo res (... ...))))))
       (foo alist ...)))))

(assocm/cps cdrm c ((a . b) (b . d) (c . d) (d . d)))
;; -> 1
このassocm/cpsは最初の引数に次に展開するマクロを受け取ることで、マクロの展開が終わった際に展開結果(この場合は(key . e))を引数kに渡すことを可能としている。要するに単なるCPSであるがこの状態では割と致命的な欠点がある。それは複数のマクロを組み合わせることができないということである。

例えば上記の例でcadrmはどう書くだろうか?普通に考えれば、carmを定義したのち、cdrmを組み合わせて書きたいところであろう。(もちろんゴリゴリ書いてもいいんだけど。) そう(compose f g)みたいなことがしたわけである。
;; I want to write like this!
(assocm/cps (composem cdrm/cps carm) c ((a . b) (b . d) (c . d) (d . d)))
(define-syntax composem (syntax-rules ()))

;; assume k is CPS macro
(define-syntax extract/cps
  ;; it's a bit awkward to have own name in literals
  ;; but this saves me a lot
  (syntax-rules (composem extract/cps)
    ((_ (composem k) args ...) (k args ...))
    ((_ (composem k ...) args ...)
     (extract/cps "flatten" () (k ...) (args ...)))
    ;; flatten nested composem
    ((_ "flatten" (cps ...) ((composem k ...) k* ...) args)
     (extract/cps "flatten" (cps ... k ...) (k* ...) args))
    ((_ "flatten" (cps ...) (k k* ...) args)
     (extract/cps "flatten" (cps ... k) (k* ...) args))
    ((_ "flatten" (cps ...) () (args ...))
     (extract/cps (extract/cps cps ...) args ...))
    ;; extract/cps keyword
    ((_ (extract/cps (composem k)) args ...) (k args ...))
    ((_ (extract/cps (composem k k* ...)) args ...)
     (k (extract/cps (composem k* ...)) args ...))

    ((_ (extract/cps k) args ...) (k args ...))
    ((_ (extract/cps k k* ...) args ...)
     (k (extract/cps (composem k* ...)) args ...))
    ;; short cut
    ((_ k args ...) (k args ...))))
(define-syntax assocm/cps
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ k key (alist ...))
     (letrec-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules (key)
                            ((_ (key . e) res (... ...)) 
                             (extract/cps k (key . e)))
                            ((_ (a . d) res (... ...)) (foo res (... ...))))))
       (foo alist ...)))))
(define-syntax cdrm/cps
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ k (a . d)) (extract/cps k d))))

(define-syntax carm/cps
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ k (a . d)) (extract/cps k a))))

(define-syntax valuesm
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ args) args)
    ;; this isn't really values...
    ((_ args ...) (args ...))))
(assocm/cps (composem cdrm/cps carm/cps valuesm) c ((a b) (b d) (c d) (d d)))
;; -> 1



Small Scheme or large Scheme?

2 topics about the size of Scheme were posted on c.l.s. One was rather branch of other topic:How many R6RS users and how much code out there?. And the other is indirectly suggesting it: Question about vote of RnRS (the poster mentioned about the change between R5RS and R6RS as drastic change so seems it's about the size.) Even though all what I wanted to say is already said by Taylan on the first topic I've mentioned, I want to write something about the size so bare with me :)

The point of this topic for me is the definition of small or large. The poster said it is useful enough for educational purpose. I agree with it. If I need to add a bit of my opinion about this, I would say the languages which has proper design for the topic of the class are useful enough for educational purpose as long as students don't use convenient libraries. Java is fine for OOP, C++ is fine for OOP and meta programming, Mathematica is excellent for math, etc. So they can also be programming languages for educational purpose, right? Now are they small?

The answer for me is no. Especially if you see C++'s specification, it's more than gigantic even human beings couldn't understand, IMHO (are there people who understand all the spec?). I wouldn't say it's one of beautifully designed language, but it's powerful enough to cover other purposes including professional use . Then, should Scheme be this much huge to make all programmer happy?

My answer is again no. It's too complicated, it's piling up features on top of other features on top of other, lemme quit. One of the reason why C++ is piling up those features, I believe, is that it doesn't have enough abstraction to make language self growing. Most of programming language don't have this type of feature such as defining new syntax. Or if they have it, it'd be rather complicated to use, either deliberately or accidentally. If it's deliberately, then the designer of the language doesn't want users to use it casually. If it's accidentally, then it's not considered well but made rather adhoc. The first decision is understandable, sometimes those things are not really needed and don't want users to summon daemons from their nose.

Now what's the definition of small in Scheme specification? In my opinion, there is no need to pile up features but it can grow by itself. Let me elaborate what it means.  Currently there're on going discussion about hashtable on SRFI. This might be a good example to do it. Is hashtable required by small language as Scheme? Well, my answer from bottom of my heart is yes but rational answer is no. Why no? It can be implemented by vector and record. Now one of the SRFIs also mentioning weak hashtable. This is rather interesting. Implementing this data structure can not be done neither in range of R6RS nor R7RS. So this seems required, right? Wait a sec, there's a draft SRFI about ephemeron. If you use this, then you can implement weak hashtable using vector, record and ephemeron. So the absolute requirement to have is this one. Hurrah, the language spec is kept small enough!

IMO, this is a bit too extreme. Each time users need to make own utility libraries for those common data structure is ridiculous. Then here comes R7RS-large process. The purpose, in my understanding, of this process is that keeping core language absolutely minimum and put a collection of those commonly used things in its specification. So implementations may or may not support all of them. Oops, again, what's absolutely minimum?

Unfortunately, I don't have generic answer for this and, I believe, neither most of Schemers do. The only thing I do have now is that it's not enought to be perfect language which can solve all problems in this world. Concurrency, networking, weak data, etc. These are not in the specification (maybe yet) but absolutely needed. If there's something lacking, then language specification should grow even if it's got bigger.

The world of computer is growing like speed of light. Problems to be solved are zillion. Too small wouldn't solve. We need small enough.


bound or free identifier

I've just fixed the bug of incorrect usage of free-identifier=? during macro expansion. As my memo and maybe good to share what I've learnt.

Firstly, have a look at this piece of code:
(import (rnrs))

(define-syntax foo
  (lambda (x)
    (syntax-case x ()
      ((_ (t1 t2))
       ;; what should be print?
       (begin (display (free-identifier=? #'t1 #'t2)) (newline)
              (display (bound-identifier=? #'t1 #'t2)) (newline))
      ((_ (t* ...) a b ...)
       #'(foo (t* ... t) b ...))
      ((_ a ...)
       #'(foo () a ...)))))
(foo 1 2)
If you can immediately see what's printed, then you can skip the next paragraph :)

The difference between bound-identifier=? and free-identifier=? is that the first one only sees where the given 2 identifiers were  created and the second one sees the actual bindings are the same or not. In the above example, identifier ts are created in different places, more precisely different macro expansion process. If you expand the macro manually, then it would look like this:
(foo 1 2)
;; -> (foo () 1 2))
;; -> (foo (t) 2)) ;; <- where the first t is created 
;; -> (foo (t t))  ;; <- the second one is created here in the different macro expansion
;; 'ok
If 2 identifiers whose names are same are created in different macro expansion, then comparing bound-identifier=? should return #f.free-identifier=?, on the other hand, should return #t because those identifiers are not bound to anything thus they have the same binding (unbound variable) and also have the same name (t). (This is what I understood the behaviour of those 2 procedures. Correct me, if I'm wrong.)

Now the bug was related to this difference. The detail is here. In the description, it says free-identifier=? returns #t against pattern variables t but this is correct behaviour. What I did wrong was using free-identifier=? to compare pattern variables during expanding template variables. Moreover, compiler for syntax-case renamed pattern variables which must be preserved so that expander can use bound-identifier=? to compare pattern variables.

If I know what's wrong, then fixing it is not a big problem. Just adding extra check for pattern variable and use bound-identifier=?. Done! I hope this would be the last article related to macro bug... (feeling won't though)





(syntax-case x ()
  ((_ (k ...))
   (with-syntax (((e ...) (gen)))
     #'(lambda (x) (syntax-case x (k...) e ...)))))



Timezone related bugs

Since Sagittarius 0.6.7, it has timezone object. The rationale behind this is pretty simple. Before it used localtime and some other C APIs to get proper local timezone offset. I wasn't unhappy until I needed to handle other timezone offsets. I don't remember exact situation but related to time conversion. Unfortunately, on POSIX there is no way to treat timezone as objects (as far as I could research), so I've decided to implement own timezone handling.

Timezone is related to physical location. Of course, you can change your computer's setting to deceive yourself. I wasn't one of those people and that bit me. I've faced 2 timezone related bugs. Both could only happen in particular places, Japan and country where no summer time. Let me share the bug story. Starting from the first one.

There is IANA TZ database and I'm using it to find proper timezone offset. If you build Sagittarius from repository, then the pre-build process, not cmake but dist.sh, downloads TZ database and compiles it to S-expression. It's not too bad. The only bad thing is that it can't handle any rules not written in the TZ database, such as Japan.

Asia/Tokyo timezone has rather weird rules. According to the TZ database, Japan had summer time between 1948-1951. On the comment, it clearly says this is used only on US military base, for your information, so officially Japan didn't have it, though. Funny thing is that this rule, named Japan, is associated to Asia/Tokyo timezone and it's active now (2015 current). Additionally, the rule doesn't have definition of after 1951. So what should happen? Maybe I didn't read all the comment or how the rules defined properly so I missed something. Anyway, the previous behaviour of handling this situation was signaling an error. Which, of course, caused problem. The biggest one was Sagittarius couldn't be built in Japan.

Thanks to the comment on this blog, I could notice there was such a problem. Other than that, this would stay until I'd decide to go back to Japan. The fix was rather simple, instead of signaling an error, it simply returns default timezone offset without considering old timezone offset. I think that's good enough. (NB: the timezone object would consider the when, means if you ask timezone offset of before 1835 in the Netherlands, then it would return GMT+0:19:32. No need for this? just for fun.)

The second one was rather stupid mistake. Again it was in Japan. I've found a tweet that said time-utc->date didn't consider timezone offset but just return UTC. I saw this when I fixed the first bug so I thought it might be related. Well, kinda but not quite. This bug happened only on Windows (including Cygwin) running on a timezone without summer time (Japan for example).

The reproducing was one easy step. Change system timezone to 'Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo' then get local timezone. Aha, it returned UTC. But why? Well, very simple. To get local timezone name on Windows (and Cygwin), Sagittarius uses GetTimeZoneInformation and check the return code. If the return code was not TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN then it returns standard timezone name, otherwise UTC. Hey, MSDN says if the timezone doesn't have summer time then this return code would be returned! That's why if it's in Japan, it returned always UTC. Careless (or stupid) mistake.

Even though I'm using CI services for Linux, Windows and OS X, this type of physical location related bugs are really hard to find. (Not even sure if I can change system timezone per build on the services) I've just seen importance of feedback in a fresh light.

08 Oct 2015
typo fix. the light wasn't from jewel meat...


暗号ライブラリ (別題:実用Scheme)


(import (scheme base)
        (aeolus cipher)
        (aeolus cipher aes)
        (aeolus modes ecb))

;; 128bit key
(define key (string->utf8 "1234567890123456"))
(define cipher (make-cipher AES key mode-ecb))

;; 16 octet block
(cipher-encrypt cipher (string->utf8 "It's top secret!"))
;; -> #vu8(230 1 210 64 10 131 72 18 222 112 210 129 170 236 243 42)


  • Sagittarius 0.6.8
  • Gauche 0.9.5 (HEAD)
  • Larceny 0.98 (ただしパラメタのテストはtest-errorの実装がおかしいので動かない)
  • Chibi Scheme (23ac772e3a)
  • Chibi Scheme 0.7.3 (AESのテストがこける。SRFI-33っぽい、使わないようにしたらテスト通った)
  • Foment (複数のバグを踏んだ)
  • Picrin (パスの通し方が分からん)
  • Kawa (同上)
  • Husk (Haskellいれるのだるい)
PicrinとKawaはなんとか試してみたいのだが、いかんせんライブラリパスの通し方が分からんので手が出せない。誰かテストしてくれないかな(チラ その他リストには載ってないけど動いたとかの報告があると嬉しいなぁ(チラ

とりあえずDES、Triple DESとAESをサポート(というか、当面はこれだけの予定。Blowfishとか欲しい人いる?) 以下は当面のTODO
  • パディング(パラメタにするか明示的にユーザにやらせるか悩み中)
  • ハッシュ(MD5、SHA-1、SHA-256、SHA-512等)
  • RSA
  • PKI(X.509証明書とか。ここまでやるとほぼSagittariusの焼き増しに・・・)






process-wait with timeout argument

Recently, I'm writing own CI task on my local machine. (it doesn't mean I quit others when it's completed but just for fun.) Then, I've noticed that it might be convenient to have timeout argument on process-wait instead of using timer to poll every 500 ms (or whatever). So I've implemented it, now you can use like this:
(import (rnrs) (sagittarius process))

(let ((p (call "sh" "sleep_forever.sh")))
  ;; wait for 5 seconds. can also be time object.
  (unless (process-wait p :timeout 5))
    ;; it returns #f if timed out. so kill it
    (process-kill p)))
Now, I don't have to make timer to check. Very convenient :)


From here is the description of underlying implementation. This is not something you may be interested in but simply for my memo (and hope that somebody would indicate better solusion).

Sagittarius supports both Windows and POSIX environment. On Windows, the story was very simple, I just needed to call WaitForSingleObject with process handle and timeout millisecond. Hurray done!. I like this abstraction that API can handle almost any kind of handle. (Most of the time it's a headache to support Windows but sometimes it's easier than POSIX.)

On POSIX, on the other hand, it doesn't have timedwaitpid or something like that. I've asked the teacher, Google, what would be the solution. The first hit was this: Waitpid equivalent with timeout?. Its best answer doesn't seem the best answer since entire process would be affected. Plus, it would always wait for specified timeout amount of time which is not something I want. The most useful pointed one looks nice if POSIX has a portable way to get standard output file descriptor from pid. Though, there seems a way to do it using ptrace(2). (See reptyr(1) and  its source). I haven't looked into its detail but, in my understanding, it opens given pid process with ptrace(2) and calls dup(2) on that process (ptrace_remote_syscall does this black magic I think). It'd be nice to have it if I can do this all platforms Sagittarius supports. However not an easy task to do it without having real environments (e.g. OS X is only on Travis CI).

Go easy

What I wanted to do is waitpid with timeout. So I just need to have a watch dog which alerts either timeout is happened or the target process is finished. Well, the easiest one I could think of was thread with pthread_cond_timedwait(2).

The idea is pretty much simple. It goes the following steps:
  1. Create a thread with the thread entry which calls waitpid
  2. Call pthread_cond_timedwait.
    1. If this return ETIMEDOUT, then send signal to the thread and return #f
    2. Otherwise return the return code.
Done! What an easy solution! (There was a stupid mistake. I didn't know pthread_join can't be called with detached thread. Though, interestingly, it worked on FreeBSD, why?)


Well, if I can say this is a perfect solution, I'd be super happy but of cource this has an issue (for now only one I'm facing!). Because of the limitation of waitpid (2), the pid can be waited must be created by the parent process means Sagittarius script. Thus processes created by pid->process can't be passed (well this is not only for timeout argument but entire procedure issue, though). If this happens, then ECHILD is raised (see waitpid(2)).

I haven't got any problem with it but if would, then I need a better solution (maybe set PPID to running process? but how?). But for now, I'm happy enough and I believe there's very few situation which users want to wait non child processes.

Again, this isn't an issue on Windows. I don't care good or not but I like it.




(import (rnrs) (rfc client))

;; creates SMTP mail object
(define mail 
   (smtp:from "Your name" "your-address@example.com")
   (smtp:subject "Subject")
   (smtp:to "recipient@example.com")))

;; creates an SMTP connection
(define smtp-conn (make-smtp-connection "your.smtp.server.com" "587"))

;; connect to the server
(smtp-connect! smtp-conn) ;; returns SMTP connection

;; Authenticate if required.
(when (smtp-authentication-required? smtp-conn)
  ;; NOTE: only AUTH PLAIN is supported for now
  (cond ((memq 'PLAIN (smtp-connection-authentication-methods smtp-conn))
         (smtp-authenticate! smtp-conn (smtp-plain-authentication
        (else (smtp-disconnect! smtp-conn)
              (error #f "authentication method not supported" 
                     (smtp-connection-authentication-methods smtp-conn)))))

;; Send it
(smtp-send! smtp-conn mail) ;; returns SMTP connection

;; Clean up
(smtp-disconnect! smtp-conn)
(define mail
  (eval (call-with-input-file "mail.scm" read)
        (environment '(rnrs) '(rfc smtp))))






(import (rnrs))
;; (import (scheme base) (scheme write))
;; (define mod modulo)

(define count 100000)

(define (run)
  (let loop ((i 0))
    (if (= i count)
        (guard (e (else (loop (+ i 1))))
          (when (zero? (mod i 5))
            (error 'who "dummy"))
          (loop (+ i 1))))))

(display (run)) (newline)
(flush-output-port (current-output-port))

(define (run)
  (let loop ((i 0))
    (if (= i count)
        ((call/cc (lambda (k)
                    (let-values ((args (loop (+ i 1))))
                      (k (lambda () (apply values args))))))))))

実際のところとして、R6RS的には末尾再帰になることを要求しているので上記はスタックがあふれるとまずいのだが、(嘘ついた。<cond>を<body>と空目した。)これが問題なく動いたのは確認した中ではChezとRacketだけ。(GuileとVicareは試してない。) もちろん、この2つはスタックを拡張して動かしてるだけかもしれないけど・・・ちなみにR7RSは末尾再帰であることを要求していないので、上記は動かなくても問題ない。

この挙動で嵌ったの実は2回目で、3度目があると嫌だなぁと思ったので適当に書き記しておく。 しかし、どうやったら末尾再帰なguardが実装できるんだろう?参照実装では無理だよなぁ?



Problem of hop on hop off projects

Hop on hop off projects is the term I made. This means you join a project in short term, then join other project in short term, like hop on hop off tour buses. (I just don't know any word describes such a style of driving project, drifting?)

I'm currently working with kind of scrum environment. Why kinda? It's because sprint period is rather longer than usual (4-5 weeks) and no standup meeting. The same part is that each sprint I get new task(s). By now, the tasks I've got assigned were not really related so each time I need to look into something I don't know (of course product specific thing). Thus hop on hop off projects.

It might be only me but if I don't have long term commitment of a project, then I lose interest and start writing crappy code. This is because I start thinking that "I would move to next something I don't know anyway why should I write maintanable code?". Probably, I don't feel any responsibility to the code I'll never see in future. (Plus, the current code base is really pile of shit, I don't want to swin into that. Too risky...)

What happen if I'm such a state? For example:
  • Start using copy&paste instead of extracting common use-case somewhere usable place.
  • Using magic number/string as everybody is doing.
  • No tests (well, I don't think there's a culture writing a test in this company...)
These are happening right now. Of cource I know I'm not doing right but risk is too high if I touch/refactor something without tests. I do what I suppose to do but I'm not those highly motivated people so I don't much care as long as I don't see it anymore.

The funny thing about this is that my company is actually developing one product however they don't assign to the same project (so far) or don't have long term assignment. Each task must be done at most a month. I understand that's the basic idea of scrum. But by now, I can only see the greate failure, such as:
  • Wrongly abstracted classes
  • No tests
  • Copy&pasted code
  • Only few people know the structure of code/architecture
  • No refactoring (of cource, there's no efficient tests!)
  • etc.
I'm such a lazy person so I'd write as maintanable as possible if I need to maintain the code. But if I don't have to, this laziness seems to take into horribly.
Or maybe I'm considered as one of useless developers so they don't want me to do anything but piling crap. That's fine by me, as long as they pay my salary.



ハッシュテーブルに関するSRFIが2つ提出された。一つはJohn Cowanの「SRFI-124: Intermediate hash tables」でこれは既存のSRFI-69の互換性を保ちつつ拡張するというもの。もう一つはTaylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammerの「SRFI-126: R6RS-based hashtables」でこれは名前からも分かるようにR6RSで標準化されたハッシュテーブルを拡張するもの。SRFI-126はweakハッシュテーブルを要求しているのでこちらを実装すればもう片方は実装可能という感じである。(bimapをどうするかとかはあるが、Schemeで実装してしまえばいいわけだし、気にしないことにする。所詮別の型だし。)


          | hashtable |
      |                      |   
+-----+------------+ +-------+--------+
| normal hashtable | | weak hashtable |
+------------------+ +----------------+



OS X support and Travis CI

Travis CI doesn't support Bitbucket so I didn't use it until now. I knew there's a way to use it, more precisely, there's a service which synchronises Bitbucket's repository to Github (BitSyncHub). But I didn't use it since there are couple of CI service which support Bitbucket (e.g. drone.io). Now, I've heard that Travis CI supports OSX so I wanted to use it. Using BitSyncHub wasn't difficult at all (so if you want to use Travis CI, it might be worth to consider). Enabling multiple OS support requires dropping a line to their support. No problem. Then I've got the environment, yahoo!!

OS X is, I believe, considered POSIX OS in most of the case. So I was hoping that Sagittarius would work without any change. Well, it didn't. When I write OS specific code, I refer POSIX spec to make sure I'm writing portable code. Was I doing right? I think so because the code worked on FreeBSD without any change which is also considered POSIX compliant OS. The pitfalls of OSX were the followings:
  • sem_timedwait is not implemented (linker error)
  • sem_init is not supported (can be compiled but an error)
  • Passing O_TRUNC to shm_open is an error.
Well, not that much things but pretty much annoying. Especially the first one. I've created a patch to make 0.6.7 be compiled so that CI server can build it.

Long time ago, Sagittarius got a pull request which made it work on OSX. The PR also contains a fix for libffi search path. It requires to specify the path explicitly. Which I think fine as long as you have control of the environment. However on CI server, we don't know until when the version is there. So I've written kind of solution to fine libffi in build process. So now, you can simply build like the following:
$ cmake .
$ make
It does kinda ugly thing internally but it's working so I'm happy with it.

Then I've experienced build failure number of times (including stupid mistake), finally got the successfull build.

Now, I can say Sagittarius supports OSX again.











Renaming identifier (solution of pandoric macro)

I've found a solution for the bug described on the article: pandoricマクロ. It was a rather simple solution.

There were 2 issues and one was a bug.
  • Making a global variable strips syntax information of the given identifier (bug)
  • Explicit renaming doesn't rename when identifiers are bound
The first one was a very simple bug, on the compiler if define has an identifier for its binding's name, then it shouldn't strip. That's it. Though, this isn't a good solution because if the identifier is bound in other library then the binding would be created not the one creating a binding but the one created the identifier. I think it's not a big deal but rather weird.

To resolve the weirdness, the identifier needs to be renamed. On Sagittarius, identifiers internally contain its identity which is a sort of history when the identifier is renamed. If the identity is #f, then it's a global identifier (means almost the same as raw symbol). Now, as far as I remember, each identifier, which reached to define and contains identity, are renamed means created in macros and it should be safe to change its name to unique symbol which is done by compiler via rename-pending-identifier. So I've added extra check to change the identifier name.

The benefit of this change is not only making R7RS syntax-rules work the same as R6RS one but also make R6RS datum->syntax works more R6RS compliant. More precisely, it resolved this issue. So now this won't work:
(import (rnrs))

(define-syntax define/datum->syntax
  (lambda (x)
    (define (concat n1 n2)
       (string-append (symbol->string (syntax->datum n1))
              (symbol->string (syntax->datum n2)))))
    (syntax-case x ()
      ((_ name1 name2 var) ;; oops
       (with-syntax ((name (datum->syntax #'k (concat #'name1 #'name2))))
     #'(define name var))))))

(define/datum->syntax n1 n2 'bar)

;; -> error
(though, I've also found a piece of code depending on this bug...)

In my understanding, this type of renaming isn't required on R7RS. So this is a valid R7RS script:
(define-syntax defbar
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ name)
     (defbar name t1))
    ((_ name t1)
       (define t1 'bar)
       (define (name) t1)))))

(defbar foo)

;; may or may not an error
For example, Chicken Scheme returns bar. (For my preferecne, if identifiers are bound in macros, then it should be renamed as R6RS requires, but I can't do much about it.)












一応言い訳をしておくと、R6RS版のsyntax-rulesなら動く。問題になるのはR7RS版のsyntax-rules。何度もブログに書いてるから知ってる人は知ってると思うけど、SagittariusではR7RSで追加された拡張を実現するために、R7RSのsyntax-rulesはChibi Schemeから移植したものを使っている。これは大抵の場合で上手く動くんだけど、上記のような、テンプレート変数で生成した一時変数を別ライブラリで大域に束縛すると動かなくなる。

;; foo.scm
(define-library (foo)
  (export defbar)
  (import (scheme base))
    (define-syntax defbar
      (syntax-rules ()
        ((_ name)
         (defbar name t1))
        ((_ name t1)
           (define t1 'bar)
           (define (name) t1)))))))

(import (scheme base) (scheme write) (foo))

(defbar boo)

(display (boo)) (newline)
;; -> error
sash -r7 foo.scm
(scheme base)(rnrs)にすると動く(define-libraryは変更する必要はない)。何が問題かといえば、defbar内で細くされたテンプレート変数は、そのマクロが定義されたライブラリを内部で保持する識別子となるため、展開後に参照しようとするとそんなものないと怒られるのである。これは健全性を保持するためにそうなっているのだが、一時変数を大域で束縛するとそれがあだになるのである。






Safer thread termination (2)

I think I've found a (imperfect) solution to do it.


The goal is pretty simple. No crash, that's it. Optionally, releasing resource as much as possible. But the resource in this case is not about Scheme world or Sagittarius created, it's OS resource such as allocated stack or so.

The problem

Yes, it's the problem. The problem was sometimes it crashed with 0xC0000005 (access violation, SEGV in POSIX way). The termination process was described in previous article (Safer thread termination) . The cause, in short, was interrupting Eip or Rip may break call stack frame.

As my conclusion, if the Scheme process went into deep inside of C function call, then the program counter is overwritten, the call stack may get broke. So when the process tries to return from RaiseException however there is no place to return or returning invalid address. (This may not be true but seems like it.)

Comparing stack pointer was not enough

In previous article, I've written to do it. It does prevent the error when the thread has already returned from entry point however it didn't resolve returning from deep stack address. So I need to find one more thing.

The issue is breaking call stack. Means, if I can restore it until the thread entry function is called, then the call stack is not broken and can return properly.


If I need to restore the stack frame of certain point, then setjmp and longjmp seem the things I need to use, instead of calling RaiseException. So I've put setjmp before calling Scheme world process. Then the thread-terminate! interrupts the process to the C function which calls longjmp.

Not a perfect solution

Unfortunately, this isn't a perfect solution. It works most of the time and, I think, should be good enough (so far I don't get crash in my test case). However, the following code may not work:
(thread-terminate! (thread-start! (make-thread (lambda () #t))))
The problem of this piece of code is that the thread may not be terminated. If the thread couldn't reach the point where setjmp is called, then thread-terminate! would call longjmp without proper jmp_buf. Or the thread wouldn't be terminated if it didn't reach the internal thread entry point. Who writes this crap? Who knows.

This may not be a perfect solution but at least less possibility to get crashed. Thus it's safer than before. So, for now, I'm happy with it.


Safer thread termination

Terminating a thread is a dangerous operation (AFAIK). So this shouldn't be done in general. However I've wrote the library (util concurrent) which uses thread-terminate! to finish tasks forcibly. As my understanding, as long as you free all resources held by the thread, terminating thread isn't that badly wrong. Well, if this was the conclusion, then I wouldn't write this. It actually works fine on POSIX environments I usually test, including Cygwin, however not working properly on Windows.

Windows has the API which terminates a thread, called TerminateThread. I, however, don't use this because of the following reasons:
  • It may not release all resources
  • There is no way to handle after termination
If the resource aren't released, then it may leak eventually. I don't use Sagittarius on 24/7 service so this might be a trivial issue but you'll never know. So it's better to have as safe as possible.

If you don't use TerminateThread, then there's, afaik, not many choice to do it. The way I've chosen is using CONTEXT. The basic process is the followings:
  1. Suspend the target thread
  2. Check if it's active
  3. Get thread context
  4. Set program counter to the function calls RaiseException
  5. Resume the thread
The thread caller wraps the thread function with _try and _except, so the thrown exception will be caught.

Until here, there seems nothing wrong and works fine. Well no. This works most of the case however at some point you may get a context which contains no call frame of thread caller function. I think this means either thread is almost terminating or it's finished but still active. Then you'd get access violation error.

Now, what can I do? I think I'll try to compare stack pointer. Luckly, Boehm GC has base stack pointer on each thread. So if I can get this and compare with the thread context stack pointer, I might be able to detect if the thread is already finished (or at least returned from the thread function of Sagittarius) or not.

If you know better way, please let me know.





日本語は欧州で話される言語から見ると最も遠いところにある言語の一つである。(参照: Language Difficulty Ranking - Effective Language Learning) これはどうしようもない事実なので受け入れるしかない。思えば中学で初めて英語に触れたときに、日本語との類似点を見出せずとにかく意味不明なものであった記憶がある。ELT(今はALTか?)で来てたアメリカ人(だったはず)に「英語好きか?」と

  |                 |
  |     Dutch       \
  |                 |\
  +-------++--------+ \
          ||           \
          ||            \                     .........
          ||             \               ...........   ......
          ||              \         .....                 ...
          ||               \    .....                       ...
  +-------++--------+       \ ...                             ..             +-----------------+
  |                 +--------..                                  ..----------+                 |
  |    English      +------..      Abstract language layer        ..---------+    Japanese     |
  |                 +------.                                       ..--------+                 |
  +-----------------+      ..                                      .         +-----------------+
                             ..                                   ..
                               ...                          ......
                                   ..         .. ............


  |                 |
  |     Dutch       |
  |                 |
  |                 +
  |    English      +
  |                 +













How to trap stack overflow in a Visual C++ application









とりあえずFTPサーバーからデータファイルを落として、そいつらをS式に落とし込む部分までは書いたので後は落とし込んだ情報を元に時間をなんとかするだけなのだが、そこが面倒ともいう。とりあえずは、GMTオフセットと夏時間が取得できればいいのだが、今週末(というか明日)予定 している0.6.6のリリースには当然間に合わない。ただ、tzdb.dat相当のファイルをリポジトリに入れたくない(自動生成されるファイルを入れたくない)ということから、ここまでは今のうちにやっておかないと(0.6.6が提供するAPIのみで書けるようにしておくという意味)間延びするか、ポリシーに反してリポジトリを汚すかの2択になってしまうので。




Conditions and stack trace

One of the things I don't want to see is stack traces. Whenever I saw this, I'd always be disappointed. There are basically 2 reasons: the first one is it usually means something went wrong, the second one is sometimes it doesn't show where the condition is actually raised. The first one can be considered a bug so I just need to snatch it. The second one is more for implementations issue.

Currently, Sagittarius shows stack trace whenever default exception handler is invoked, means no guard nor with-exception-handler. The stack trace is collected in the default exception handler. This is fine most of the time since I don't use them that much in my script. (well, I don't argue if it's good or not here.) However, sometimes I want a script fail safe or make sure it releases resources or so. Then I saw the fangs. As a simple example, you have the following script:
(guard (e (else (release-all) (raise e)))
Suppose open-something-and-fail-it may raise an error and you want to release all resources after the process. Now, you saw a stack trace, what would you expect to be shown? I would expect where the root cause is raised. Or at least I can see it. However because the stack trace is collected in the default exception handler, you don't see those information at all.

It was okay until I had written a server program which shows a stack trace whenever unhandled exception is raised. If you write this kind of script, then you want to know which one is the actual culprit, server itself or the application program. As long as I'm writing both, it's just a matter of good old days printf debug but this is pain in the ass. If the stack trace shows where this happened, I don't have to do this type of thing in some cases. So I've changed the timing of collecting stack traces.

The basic idea is whenever raise or raise-continuable is called with compound condition, then it appends stack trace object. Only one stack trace object can be appeared in the compound condition. So if the condition is re-raised, then new stack trace object is created and the old one is set to the new one as its cause. It's pretty much similar with Java's exception. Of course, there are bunch of differences.
  1. Java's exception collects stack trace when it's created
  2. java.lang.Throwable's cause property may have root cause while Sagittarius' only takes stack trace object.
  3. The stack trace object is implicitly added, means given condition is copied entirely while Java's exception can be the same.
The item #1 is the biggest one. On Java, if you throw an exception created before the throw syntax, then the stack trace indicates where it's created. This can be very inconvenient like this type of case:
public class Foo {
  private Exception exn = new Exception();
  public void foo() throws Exception {
    throw exn;
Don't ask me who would do this but the stack trace would be shown indicates the second line. (I didn't check the Java's spec, so this might depend on the implementation.)

The item #2 is because of implementation of condition. It flattens the given compound conditions if there are. For example, suppose you catch a condition and re-raise it with adding specific condition. The script would be like this:
;; suppose (fail) raises a compound condition
(guard (e (else (raise (condition (make-some-other-condition) e))))
In this case, the compound condition e will be flattened and merged into the new condition object. R6RS doesn't say how the condition procedure construct compound condition so it can decompose it by need.

The item #3 can be an issue. Suppose you want to re-use a condition and compare it by mean of eq? like this:
(let ((c (condition (make-error) (make-who-condition 'who))))
  (guard (e (else (eq? c e)))
    (raise c)))
;; -> #f
The raise procedure implicitly copy the given condition and adds stack trace object, thus the object wouldn't be the same one. I couldn't find anything mentioning this kind of thing on R6RS. So I think it's still R6RS compliant. However this might cause an issue in the future. (Using exception as a returning value or so?)

The reason why Sagittarius choose to collect stack trace  when condition is raised is because of the requirement of condition procedure. It's not so difficult to make condition procedure collect stack trace however this procedure must be able to take arbitrary number of conditions including compound conditions. So there is no way to specify which one is the actual root cause when multiple compound conditions are given. (Nobody do this? who knows!)

I'm kinda doubting that if I made a better choice. Especially item #3. But seeing irrelevant stack traces is much more painful. So I think I can live with this.






$ cmake .
$ make install
$ plato-recipe.scm -i -a sample simple-app 
$ sagittarius run.scm 


  + lib/
  + apps/
      + sample/
          + handler.scm
  + run.scm


  • セッション管理の機能とか。現状クッキーを扱うライブラリとかないのでそこから作らないといけないという。
  • 設定ファイル的な何か。JEEでいうweb.xml的のがあるといいかなぁ。
  • マウントポイント別環境。
  • サブパス。今のところ一番sample/fooみたいなことができない。いるかどうかは別だが・・・

ちょっとCygwin上で動かしたらselect (2)の実装の違いにより動かなかったので、現在のHEADが必要。Linuxなら0.6.5でも問題なく動くと思う。





;; process A
(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius process)
        (sagittarius threads))

;; create a semaphore with initial counter 0
(define sem (make-semaphore "/waiter" 0))

;; opens shared memory. if this is the first process then it'll be created
;; with the size 256.
(define shm (open-shared-memory "/shared-memory" 256 (file-options no-fail)))

;; wait for the other process
(semaphore-wait! sem)

;; something was delivered
(let ((bv (shared-memory->bytevector shm)))
  (print (utf8->string bv 0 5)))

;; close and release
(close-shared-memory shm)
(semaphore-close! sem)
(semaphore-destroy! sem)

;; process B
(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius process)
        (sagittarius threads))

;; open the semaphore created by the other process
(define sem (open-semaphore "/waiter"))

;; this must specify no-truncate option otherwise it may fail
(define shm (open-shared-memory "/shared-memory" 256 (file-options no-truncate)))

(let ((bv (shared-memory->bytevector shm)))
  ;; put some value
  (bytevector-copy! (string->utf8 "hello") 0 bv 0 5))

;; notify the other process
(semaphore-post! sem)




Platform specific issues

Recently I've faced to stability issues. The followings are the ones I've met:

Well, the one for Windows is kinda known for a while (except Windows Server one). These issues are categorised more or less platform specific issues.

The reason why I'm writing is because I have no idea why it happens and might be able to get some knowledge from comment (my googling ability is not high enought to find the solution). For example, the first one happens only on Arch Linux. The funny thing is that the reported bug didn't happen on my Arch Linux environment but different one mentioned on the comment. And never happened on other environment (e.g. Ubuntu or FreeBSD).

The second one happens only on my Linux CI environment. So I even can't debug. And, again, never happened on other Linux environment. (why?)

If you have any clue, please let me know.










;; (param) library
(define-library (param)
  (export *param*)
  (import (scheme base))
    (define *param* (make-parameter 10))))

;; script
(import (scheme base) (scheme load) (scheme write) (scheme eval) (srfi 18))

(define box (make-vector 1))
(define lock (make-mutex))
(define waiter (make-condition-variable))

(define t 
    (lambda ()
      (mutex-unlock! lock waiter)
      ((vector-ref box 0))))))

(define (do-param v)
  (display (current-thread))
  (display (eval '(*param*) (environment '(param))))
  (eval `(*param* ,v) (environment '(param)))
  (display (eval '(*param*) (environment '(param))))

(thread-join! (thread-start! (make-thread
  (lambda () (do-param ":changed")))))

;; main thread
(do-param ":changed-main")

;; other thread?
(thread-join! (thread-start! (make-thread
  (lambda () (do-param ":changed-other")))))

(vector-set! box 0 (lambda () (do-param ":changed-before")))
(condition-variable-broadcast! waiter)
(thread-join! t)

#<Context -2373536>10:changed
#<Context -2555840>:changed:changed-main
#<Context -2108736>:changed-main:changed-other
#<Context -2412960>:changed-other:changed-before

#<thread #f runnable 0x800a2a10>10:changed
#<thread "root" runnable 0x800a2e60>10:changed-main
#<thread #f runnable 0x800a28a0>:changed-main:changed-other
#<thread #f runnable 0x800a2b80>10:changed-before

#<thread thread-9 runnable 0x80204320>10:changed
#<thread root runnable 0x8014ce10>#f:changed-main
#<thread thread-10 runnable 0x80204190>:changed-main:changed-other
#<thread thread-7 runnable 0x802044b0>#f:changed-before


Sagittariusは別スレッドで作成されたパラメータの初期値は取れない、まぁ分かっていたことだけど。 親スレッドで作成されたものは子スレッドに渡るので必要なら親スレッドで準備すればよい話なのだが、これが面倒になってきたので何とかしたいなぁというのもある。

Shiroさんからの情報によると、Gaucheではパラメータの初期値はグローバルに持っていてごにょごにょやっているっぽい。ただ、局所的に作成されたパラメータはGCされないとのこと。(Weakハッシュテーブルとかでなんとかできないのだろうか?) 一応確認してみた。
(import (scheme base))

(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 100000)) (make-parameter 1))
;;(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 100000)) (cons 1 2))

;; trigger GC
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 100)) (make-vector 100))
パラメータを作る場合と単なるコンスセルの場合でどれくらいメモリ割り当てが違うか。明示的には書いてないが、-f collect-statsオプションを渡すとGCの状況を教えてくれるのでそれを使用。っで以下が結果。
# parameter
% gosh -r7 -f collect-stats test.scm

;; Statistics (*: main thread only):
;;  GC: 14524416bytes heap, 1334816808bytes allocated
;;  stack overflow*: 0times, 0.00ms total/0.00ms avg

# cons
% gosh -r7 -f collect-stats test.scm

;; Statistics (*: main thread only):
;;  GC: 5943296bytes heap, 11413768bytes allocated
;;  stack overflow*: 0times, 0.00ms total/0.00ms avg



getaddrinfo on Cygwin

I think I found a bug on Cygwin or could already be known issue but it kinda took my half a day so might be good to share.

The problem is related to getaddrinfo as this article's title says. The story starts from that I've re-written the executor on (util concurrent), then for some reason getting the error which says 'Name or service not known' which return code is '8'. This error has never happened before even though I was using the library heavily on my testing (if you see the test runner, it uses this library). So first I thought this was because of the re-writing.

So I've checked the code which raises the error message and reached the procedure get-addrinfo. The procedure is just a thin wrapper of getaddrinfo(7) so I've started been doubting. So I've asked my precious body, Google, why this happens, then I've found this Python issue. Sounds pretty much similar. Could it be? So I've wrote the following script to check if this is related to multi threading but my new library.
(import (rnrs) 
        (srfi :18)
        (sagittarius socket))

(define s 
    (lambda ()
      (define sock (make-server-socket "5000"))
      (print 'up)
      (let loop ()
        (let ((cs (socket-accept sock)))
          (socket-send cs (string->utf8 "hello"))

(thread-sleep! 0.1)

(print 'try)

;; uncomment this would make next thread work.
#;(let ((cs (make-client-socket "localhost" "5000")))
  (print (utf8->string (socket-recv cs 255))))

(define c 
    (lambda ()
      (let ((cs (make-client-socket "localhost" "5000")))
        (print (utf8->string (socket-recv cs 255))))))))

(print (thread-join! c))
Unhandled exception
  Condition components:
    reason: #<condition
 #<&who get-addrinfo>
 #<&message Name or service not known>
 #<&irritants ((localhost 5000))>
    thread: #<thread thread-4 terminated 0x806c8c80>
stack trace:
  [1] thread-join!
  [2] #f
    src: (thread-join! c)
  [3] load
As the comment mentions, if I create a socket on the main thread (or even the thread which creates the server thread?), it works. On POSIX, it says getaddrinfo is thread safe. See, freeaddrinfo, getaddrinfo - get address information. So I think whatever I do on multi threading environment, it should work as I expect. So it's not my library, case closed.



The problem is that Cygwin is one of my most used environment and I can't give up this type of error. However I have no idea how I can resolve this. I've tried to lock before calling getaddrinfo so that the process itself can be atomic. But the result is the same. Now I need to find a workaround for this crappy thing. *sigh*