Let's start Scheme


暗号ライブラリ (別題:実用Scheme)


(import (scheme base)
        (aeolus cipher)
        (aeolus cipher aes)
        (aeolus modes ecb))

;; 128bit key
(define key (string->utf8 "1234567890123456"))
(define cipher (make-cipher AES key mode-ecb))

;; 16 octet block
(cipher-encrypt cipher (string->utf8 "It's top secret!"))
;; -> #vu8(230 1 210 64 10 131 72 18 222 112 210 129 170 236 243 42)


  • Sagittarius 0.6.8
  • Gauche 0.9.5 (HEAD)
  • Larceny 0.98 (ただしパラメタのテストはtest-errorの実装がおかしいので動かない)
  • Chibi Scheme (23ac772e3a)
  • Chibi Scheme 0.7.3 (AESのテストがこける。SRFI-33っぽい、使わないようにしたらテスト通った)
  • Foment (複数のバグを踏んだ)
  • Picrin (パスの通し方が分からん)
  • Kawa (同上)
  • Husk (Haskellいれるのだるい)
PicrinとKawaはなんとか試してみたいのだが、いかんせんライブラリパスの通し方が分からんので手が出せない。誰かテストしてくれないかな(チラ その他リストには載ってないけど動いたとかの報告があると嬉しいなぁ(チラ

とりあえずDES、Triple DESとAESをサポート(というか、当面はこれだけの予定。Blowfishとか欲しい人いる?) 以下は当面のTODO
  • パディング(パラメタにするか明示的にユーザにやらせるか悩み中)
  • ハッシュ(MD5、SHA-1、SHA-256、SHA-512等)
  • RSA
  • PKI(X.509証明書とか。ここまでやるとほぼSagittariusの焼き増しに・・・)






process-wait with timeout argument

Recently, I'm writing own CI task on my local machine. (it doesn't mean I quit others when it's completed but just for fun.) Then, I've noticed that it might be convenient to have timeout argument on process-wait instead of using timer to poll every 500 ms (or whatever). So I've implemented it, now you can use like this:
(import (rnrs) (sagittarius process))

(let ((p (call "sh" "sleep_forever.sh")))
  ;; wait for 5 seconds. can also be time object.
  (unless (process-wait p :timeout 5))
    ;; it returns #f if timed out. so kill it
    (process-kill p)))
Now, I don't have to make timer to check. Very convenient :)


From here is the description of underlying implementation. This is not something you may be interested in but simply for my memo (and hope that somebody would indicate better solusion).

Sagittarius supports both Windows and POSIX environment. On Windows, the story was very simple, I just needed to call WaitForSingleObject with process handle and timeout millisecond. Hurray done!. I like this abstraction that API can handle almost any kind of handle. (Most of the time it's a headache to support Windows but sometimes it's easier than POSIX.)

On POSIX, on the other hand, it doesn't have timedwaitpid or something like that. I've asked the teacher, Google, what would be the solution. The first hit was this: Waitpid equivalent with timeout?. Its best answer doesn't seem the best answer since entire process would be affected. Plus, it would always wait for specified timeout amount of time which is not something I want. The most useful pointed one looks nice if POSIX has a portable way to get standard output file descriptor from pid. Though, there seems a way to do it using ptrace(2). (See reptyr(1) and  its source). I haven't looked into its detail but, in my understanding, it opens given pid process with ptrace(2) and calls dup(2) on that process (ptrace_remote_syscall does this black magic I think). It'd be nice to have it if I can do this all platforms Sagittarius supports. However not an easy task to do it without having real environments (e.g. OS X is only on Travis CI).

Go easy

What I wanted to do is waitpid with timeout. So I just need to have a watch dog which alerts either timeout is happened or the target process is finished. Well, the easiest one I could think of was thread with pthread_cond_timedwait(2).

The idea is pretty much simple. It goes the following steps:
  1. Create a thread with the thread entry which calls waitpid
  2. Call pthread_cond_timedwait.
    1. If this return ETIMEDOUT, then send signal to the thread and return #f
    2. Otherwise return the return code.
Done! What an easy solution! (There was a stupid mistake. I didn't know pthread_join can't be called with detached thread. Though, interestingly, it worked on FreeBSD, why?)


Well, if I can say this is a perfect solution, I'd be super happy but of cource this has an issue (for now only one I'm facing!). Because of the limitation of waitpid (2), the pid can be waited must be created by the parent process means Sagittarius script. Thus processes created by pid->process can't be passed (well this is not only for timeout argument but entire procedure issue, though). If this happens, then ECHILD is raised (see waitpid(2)).

I haven't got any problem with it but if would, then I need a better solution (maybe set PPID to running process? but how?). But for now, I'm happy enough and I believe there's very few situation which users want to wait non child processes.

Again, this isn't an issue on Windows. I don't care good or not but I like it.




(import (rnrs) (rfc client))

;; creates SMTP mail object
(define mail 
   (smtp:from "Your name" "your-address@example.com")
   (smtp:subject "Subject")
   (smtp:to "recipient@example.com")))

;; creates an SMTP connection
(define smtp-conn (make-smtp-connection "your.smtp.server.com" "587"))

;; connect to the server
(smtp-connect! smtp-conn) ;; returns SMTP connection

;; Authenticate if required.
(when (smtp-authentication-required? smtp-conn)
  ;; NOTE: only AUTH PLAIN is supported for now
  (cond ((memq 'PLAIN (smtp-connection-authentication-methods smtp-conn))
         (smtp-authenticate! smtp-conn (smtp-plain-authentication
        (else (smtp-disconnect! smtp-conn)
              (error #f "authentication method not supported" 
                     (smtp-connection-authentication-methods smtp-conn)))))

;; Send it
(smtp-send! smtp-conn mail) ;; returns SMTP connection

;; Clean up
(smtp-disconnect! smtp-conn)
(define mail
  (eval (call-with-input-file "mail.scm" read)
        (environment '(rnrs) '(rfc smtp))))






(import (rnrs))
;; (import (scheme base) (scheme write))
;; (define mod modulo)

(define count 100000)

(define (run)
  (let loop ((i 0))
    (if (= i count)
        (guard (e (else (loop (+ i 1))))
          (when (zero? (mod i 5))
            (error 'who "dummy"))
          (loop (+ i 1))))))

(display (run)) (newline)
(flush-output-port (current-output-port))

(define (run)
  (let loop ((i 0))
    (if (= i count)
        ((call/cc (lambda (k)
                    (let-values ((args (loop (+ i 1))))
                      (k (lambda () (apply values args))))))))))

実際のところとして、R6RS的には末尾再帰になることを要求しているので上記はスタックがあふれるとまずいのだが、(嘘ついた。<cond>を<body>と空目した。)これが問題なく動いたのは確認した中ではChezとRacketだけ。(GuileとVicareは試してない。) もちろん、この2つはスタックを拡張して動かしてるだけかもしれないけど・・・ちなみにR7RSは末尾再帰であることを要求していないので、上記は動かなくても問題ない。

この挙動で嵌ったの実は2回目で、3度目があると嫌だなぁと思ったので適当に書き記しておく。 しかし、どうやったら末尾再帰なguardが実装できるんだろう?参照実装では無理だよなぁ?



Problem of hop on hop off projects

Hop on hop off projects is the term I made. This means you join a project in short term, then join other project in short term, like hop on hop off tour buses. (I just don't know any word describes such a style of driving project, drifting?)

I'm currently working with kind of scrum environment. Why kinda? It's because sprint period is rather longer than usual (4-5 weeks) and no standup meeting. The same part is that each sprint I get new task(s). By now, the tasks I've got assigned were not really related so each time I need to look into something I don't know (of course product specific thing). Thus hop on hop off projects.

It might be only me but if I don't have long term commitment of a project, then I lose interest and start writing crappy code. This is because I start thinking that "I would move to next something I don't know anyway why should I write maintanable code?". Probably, I don't feel any responsibility to the code I'll never see in future. (Plus, the current code base is really pile of shit, I don't want to swin into that. Too risky...)

What happen if I'm such a state? For example:
  • Start using copy&paste instead of extracting common use-case somewhere usable place.
  • Using magic number/string as everybody is doing.
  • No tests (well, I don't think there's a culture writing a test in this company...)
These are happening right now. Of cource I know I'm not doing right but risk is too high if I touch/refactor something without tests. I do what I suppose to do but I'm not those highly motivated people so I don't much care as long as I don't see it anymore.

The funny thing about this is that my company is actually developing one product however they don't assign to the same project (so far) or don't have long term assignment. Each task must be done at most a month. I understand that's the basic idea of scrum. But by now, I can only see the greate failure, such as:
  • Wrongly abstracted classes
  • No tests
  • Copy&pasted code
  • Only few people know the structure of code/architecture
  • No refactoring (of cource, there's no efficient tests!)
  • etc.
I'm such a lazy person so I'd write as maintanable as possible if I need to maintain the code. But if I don't have to, this laziness seems to take into horribly.
Or maybe I'm considered as one of useless developers so they don't want me to do anything but piling crap. That's fine by me, as long as they pay my salary.



ハッシュテーブルに関するSRFIが2つ提出された。一つはJohn Cowanの「SRFI-124: Intermediate hash tables」でこれは既存のSRFI-69の互換性を保ちつつ拡張するというもの。もう一つはTaylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammerの「SRFI-126: R6RS-based hashtables」でこれは名前からも分かるようにR6RSで標準化されたハッシュテーブルを拡張するもの。SRFI-126はweakハッシュテーブルを要求しているのでこちらを実装すればもう片方は実装可能という感じである。(bimapをどうするかとかはあるが、Schemeで実装してしまえばいいわけだし、気にしないことにする。所詮別の型だし。)


          | hashtable |
      |                      |   
+-----+------------+ +-------+--------+
| normal hashtable | | weak hashtable |
+------------------+ +----------------+
