Let's start Scheme



(LISP Library 365参加エントリ)

SRFI-37はargs-fold: プログラム引数処理器です。 何をするかといえば、プログラムに渡された引数をいい感じに処理してくれます。使い方は以下。
(import (rnrs) (srfi :37))

(define options
  (list (option '(#\l "long-display") #f #f
                (lambda (option name arg seed1 seed2)
                  (values (cons 'l seed1) seed2)))
        (option '(#\o "output-file") #t #f
                (lambda (option name arg seed1 seed2)
                  (values (acons 'o arg seed1) seed2)))
        (option '(#\d "debug") #f #t
                (lambda (option name arg seed1 seed2)
                  (values (acons 'd arg seed1) seed2)))
        (option '(#\b "batch") #f #f
                (lambda (option name arg seed1 seed2)
                  (values (cons 'b seed1) seed2)))
        (option '(#\i "interactive") #f #f
                (lambda (option name arg seed1 seed2)
                  (values (cons 'i seed1) seed2)))))

(let-values (((opts operands) (args-fold (command-line) options
                                         (lambda (option name arg seed1 seed2)
                                           (values (acons '? name seed1) seed2))
                                         (lambda (arg seed1 seed2)
                                           (values seed1 (cons arg seed2)))
                                         '() '())))
  (write opts) (newline)
  (write operands) (newline))
% sash test.scm -l --output-file=a.out -d the rest of argument
((d . #f) (o . "a.out") l)
("argument" "of" "rest" "the" "test.scm")

  • option手続きによる引数が何をとるかの指定
  • args-foldの第3引数の定義外オプションの扱い手続き
  • args-foldの第4引数のオプション以外の引数の扱い







生ぬるい仕事と、募集要項に記載されていた仕事内容との剥離に嫌気がさして辞めようとしていた矢先に格付けを上げる研修なるものに行かされた。研修用に論文と呼ばれる職務感想文を書かされ、研修施設に週末1泊2日で送られた。その間の給料はでないけど、ほぼ強制だった記憶である。(1ヶ月後には辞めるのに出る必要がるのか?と上司に聞いたら、「出ろ」という話だった記憶。) 研修内容は、2日に渡る各自が書いた論文の内容に関しての質疑応答及び議論であった。


  • 会社に不満があるならもっと人と話をするべきだ
  • 昨日の飲み会はその一つのチャンスだったはずだ
  • そういうのに積極的に参加しないのが問題ではないか?

例えば今の職場では夏にBBQ、冬にクリスマスパーティ等あり、毎週金曜日はBeer o'clockと呼ばれる会社の金でビール飲み放題な日がある。参加するも自由、しないも自由で、参加しなかったら次の日からバツの悪い雰囲気になるわけでもない。逆に言うと、参加したからといって職場環境がよくなるわけでもない。あくまで経費会社負担の単なるイベントである。同僚との関係も悪くないし、自分の財布を痛めるわけでもないので割りと積極的に参加しているが、娯楽の一環に過ぎない。(そういえば、最初の会社のときは新入社員歓迎会と称した飲み会があったけど、あれ自腹だったなぁ。さすがに新入社員は払ってなかったけど。)




(LISP Library 365参加エントリ)

(define c (condition (&serious)
                     (&message (message "message of this condition"))))

(condition? c)
;; -> #t

(condition-ref c 'message)
;; -> "message of this condition"

(extract-condition c &serious)
;; -> instance of serious condition

(condition-has-type? c &message)
;; -> #t





*1: R7RSにそれとなくそんな感じの文言があったりします(深読みしすぎ)
However, most existing R5RS implementations (even excluding those which are essentially unmaintained) did not adopt R6RS, or adopted only selected parts of it.


Weak hashtable

こういったいきさつがあって、シンボル(とその他2つ)をGC対象にしたのだが、どうもweak hashtableの実装がまずいらしく、多少改善された程度のメモリー消費量にしかなっていない。とりあえず実装を見直してみると、weah hashtableとhashtableの実装上にweak boxを載せてそれっぽく見せているのだが、どうもこのweak boxが消えないのでエントリー数が増え続けるという感じみたいである。一応キーが回収された際にエントリーを消すような小細工がされてはいるのだが、なぜか上手く動いていない感じである。

  1. Weak hashtableを別実装にしてしまう。
  2. Hashtable側のAPIをリッチにする

どちらの道をとったとしても、weak boxの扱いをどうするかという問題は残るのでこれはちと考える必要がある。

よく考えてみればエントリー数が減らないのはweak hashtableの値がGCされた際に対象のエントリーを削除しないのが問題なので、値がGCされた際に対象のエントリーを削除するように変更した(後方互換を保つためにフラグを一個追加した)。なんとなく、動いているっぽいので当面はこれでよしとしよう。


R5RS auxiliary syntaxes

Recently, there was the post which introduced SCLINT on reddit/lisp_ja: #:g1: SCLINTの紹介. SCLINT is a lint-like program for Scheme written in R4RS Scheme. (Interestingly, Sagittarius could run this without any modification :) but it's not the topic for now.). So for some reason, I've tried to run on R7RS implementations using (scheme r5rs) library. I don't know how this idea came up, but the result was rather interesting.

So I've prepared the following script;
(import (only (scheme base) error cond-expand include)
        (scheme process-context) 
        (scheme r5rs))

  (include "\\cygwin\\tmp\\sclint09\\pexpr.scm"
  (include "/tmp/sclint09/pexpr.scm"

(sclint (cdr (command-line)))
The original article is using load but foment complained that scling is not defined. So above is using include instead (even though I've used include yet Foment raised errors...). And execute it with 4 implementations, Chibi, Foment, Gauche and Sagittarius (both 0.5.8 and HEAD). The result was only Gauche could execute as I expected. Foment raised 2 errors (I don't know why), Chibi and Sagittarius raised an error with unbound variable else.

Apparently, the (scheme r5rs) library does't export 4 auxiliary syntaxes; =>, else, unquote and unquote-splicing; and one syntax (or macro transfomer) syntax-rules. I believe the last one is just missing but the others are bit more complicated.

The only purpose of (scheme r5rs) is to provide an easy way to import the identifiers defined by R5RS; it does not give you an R5RS emulator.
I thought the purpose is making sure R5RS scripts can be executed on R7RS implementations but seems not. Then question is that if the 4 auxiliary syntaxes are bound in R5RS. If I see R5RS then indeed it doesn't define them explicitly, however this post indicates they are;
R5RS 3.1.
> An identifier that names a type of syntax is called
> a syntactic keyword and is said to be bound to that syntax.

R5RS 7.1.
> <syntactic keyword> -> <expression keyword>
> | else | => | define
> | unquote | unquote-splicing

"else" is syntactic keyword, and syntactic keyword is bound to syntax.
Therefore, "else" is bound.
I think this interpretation is rather rational so I've added those auxiliary syntaxes to export clause of (scheme r5rs). However, I can also think of the objection that could be something like this; being bound to a syntax doesn't mean they were bound in R5RS (or its environment).

Well, I've already decided to add them so I don't have much option about this anymore but it would be convenient if legacy R5RS scripts can be executed on R7RS implementations with just importing
(scheme r5rs).



(LISP Library 365参加エントリ)


 (lambda (k)
   (with-exception-handler (lambda (x)
                             (display "something went wrong")
     (lambda ()
       (+ 1 (raise 'an-error))))))
上記の動作はR6RSではエラーとして定義されていますが、このSRFIでは未定義です。これは例外が継続可能かどうかという部分に関わってきます。参照:Is the condition continuable?

(import (rnrs))

(define-condition-type &connection &error
  make-connection connection-error?)
 ;; maybe you want to return if the condition is
 ;; warning
 (lambda (e) (display "condition is &error") (newline))
 (lambda ()
   (let retry () 
     ;; if it's connection error, then retry at this point.
     ;; if other point, it must be a fatal error.
     (guard (e ((connection-error? e)
                (display "connection error! retry") (newline)
       ;; assume this is fatal
       (error 'connection "connection error")))))


*1: 例えば投げられた例外が&seriousを含む&warningのようなものだとwarning?でチェックすると嵌ります。逆に&seriousを含むものでもraise-continuableで投げられた場合は継続可能になる等。個人的には筋が悪いなぁと思っています。



(LISP Library 365参加エントリ)

  • 単純で直感的かつ数学的記述に近い表記
  • 一般的な再帰の許可
  • 手続き的にならない

(define F (rec (F N)
              ((rec (G K L)
                 (if (zero? K) L
                   (G (- K 1) (* K L)))) N 1)))

;; from reference implementation of this SRFI
(define-syntax rec
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((rec (NAME . VARIABLES) . BODY)
     (letrec ( (NAME (lambda VARIABLES . BODY)) ) NAME))
     (letrec ( (NAME EXPRESSION) ) NAME))))



MQTT client and broker

I've implemented MQTT client and broker on Sagittarius. Now feeling like the broker implementation is compliant the specification (as far as I can see, there is probably a bug(s) though), so let me introduce a bit. APIs would be changed in 0.5.9 and probably I wouldn't write document until I think it can be fixed (nearest would be after 0.5.10).

If you don't need anything, even authentication, then the broker can be written like this;
(import (rnrs) (net mq mqtt broker))

(define broker (make-mqtt-broker "5000"))

(mqtt-broker-start! broker)
With this, broker runs on port 5000. When broker is ready then next step is client.

The basic functions for client are subscribing and publishing. Subscribing would be like this;
(import (rnrs) (net mq mqtt client))

(let ((conn (open-mqtt-connection "localhost" "5000")))
  (mqtt-subscribe conn "topic" +qos-exactly-once+
                  (lambda (topic payload)
                    (get-bytevector-all payload)))
  (let loop ()
    (let ((r (mqtt-receive-message conn)))
      (display r) (newline)
      (unless (eof-object? r)
  (mqtt-unsubscribe conn "topic")
  (close-mqtt-connection! conn))

Subscribe procedure, currently, takes 4 arguments, MQTT connection, topic filter, QoS level and callback procedure. The callback procedure takes 2 arguments, topic name and payload. Payload is a binary input port. For now, we don't provide daemon thread for callback so users need to explicitly receive messages.

Publishing messages would be like this;
(import (rnrs) (net mq mqtt client))

(let ((conn (open-mqtt-connection "localhost" "5000")))
  (mqtt-publish conn "topic" (string->utf8 "Hello MQTT")
  :qos +qos-at-least-once+)
  (mqtt-publish conn "topic" #vu8())
  (close-mqtt-connection! conn))
Publish procedure, currently, requires 3 arguments and also can take some keyword arguments to specify how to publish such as QoS and retain. The application message must be a bytevector so that MQTT requires it to be binary data. Publishing empty bytevector would send empty payload.

Followings are some of design rationale (please add 'currently' before read).

[Socket connection]
Broker creates a thread per connection instead of dispatching with select (this is sort of limitation of underlying (net server) library). By default, max connection number is 10. If this is 2 then you can do private conversation and if it's 1 then you can be alone...

[Session control]
Managing session is done by one daemon thread which is created when broker is created. Default interval period it 10 second. So even if client keep-alive is 5 seconds and it idled for 6 seconds then send something, it can still be treated as a live session. Session could have had own timer however I don't have any lightweight timer implementation other then using thread and making thread is sort of expensive on Sagittarius. So I've decided to manage it by one thread.

[Client packet control]
Even though client needs to receive message explicitly however there is an exception. That is when server published a message to client and right after that client send control packet like subscribe. In that case client first consume the published message handling with given callback then sends control packet.

[QoS control for exactly once]
Broker publishes received message after PUBCOMP is sent. MQTT spec says it can initiate delivering after receiving PUBLISH.

When client subscribes a topic and publishes a message to the same topic, then it would receive own message. Not sure if this is correct behaviour...

Pointing a bug/posting an opinion would be grateful!