Let's start Scheme



When I write asynchronous script, sometimes I want to a timer so that I can invoke some procedure periodically or so. So I've looked at POSIX's timer_create and Windows' CreateWaitableTimer. Then found out both needs some special treatment. For example, POSIX timer_create requires signal handling which is lacking on Sagittarius. (Honestly, I've never properly understood how signal masking works...)

So I've wrote sort of mimic code with thread.
(import (rnrs) (srfi :18))

;; simple timer
(define-record-type ( make-timer timer?)
  (fields (immutable thread timer-thread))
  (protocol (lambda (p)
              (lambda (interval thunk)
                (p (make-thread 
                    (lambda ()
                      (let loop ()
                        (thread-sleep! interval)

(define (timer-start! timer) (thread-start! (timer-thread timer)) timer)
(define (timer-cancel! timer) (thread-terminate! (timer-thread timer)))

;; use it
(define t (timer-start! (make-timer 2 (lambda () (print "It's time!!")))))

(define (heavy-to-do)
  (thread-sleep! 5)
  (print "It was heavy!"))
Above prints It's time!! twice then finish heavy-to-do. Now I'm wondering if this is enough or not. Without deep consideration, I've got couple of pros and cons with this implementation.

  • Easy to implement and could be portable.
  • Asynchronous.
  • Could be expensive. (Making thread is not cheap on Sagittarius)
  • Timer can't change parameters which is thread local.
I think above points are more like how we want it to be but it seems better that timer runs the same thread for me. Now, look at both Windows and POSIX timer APIs. Seems both can take callback function. However on POSIX, if I use SIGEV_THREAD then it would create a new thread (it only says "as if" so may not). And not sure if Sagittarius can call a procedure using parent thread's VM without breaking something. So, it's most likely not an option...

Then Windows. SetWaitableTimer can also take a callback function. And according to MSDN, the callback function will be executed on the same thread.
The completion routine will be executed by the same thread that called SetWaitableTimer. This thread must be in an alertable state to execute the completion routine. It accomplishes this by calling the SleepEx function, which is an alertable function.
Using Waitable Timers with an Asynchronous Procedure Call
Now, I'm not sure what's alertable state exactly means. Seems the target thread should be sleeping and if so, sucks...

Hmmmm, it may not an easy thing to do.



(LISP Library 365参加エントリ)

This is the SRFI
    Nested comment is also okay (unlike C)

<comment> ---> ; <all subsequent characters up to a line break>
             | <srfi-30-comment>

<srfi-30-comment> ---> #| <srfi-30-comment-constituent>* |* |#

<srfi-30-comment-constituent> ---> #* <srfi-30-ordinary-char>
                                 | |* <srfi-30-ordinary-char>
                                 | #* <srfi-30-comment>

<srfi-30-ordinary-char> ---> <any character but # or |>






(import (sagittarius socket) (net server))

(define (handler socket)
  (let ((bv (socket-recv socket 255)))
    (socket-send socket bv)))

;; creates server object
(define server (make-simple-server "5000" handler))

;; start!
(start-server! server)

(import (sagittarius socket) (net server))

(define (handler socket)
  (let ((bv (socket-recv socket 255)))
    (socket-send socket bv)))

;; server has daemon thread which watches :shutdown-port
;; for shutdown the server.
;; exception handler will be invoked when handler
;; raises an error.
;; given max-thread > 1 makes the server creates a
;; thread for each request. using (util concurrent)
(define config (make-server-config :shutdown-port "8888"
                                   :exception-handler (lambda (e s) (print e))
                                   :max-thread 10))

(define server (make-simple-server "5000" handler config))

(start-server! server)

(どうでもいいdesign rationale) なんでキーワード引数じゃなくconfigオブジェクトにしたかというと、こうしておくと拡張が楽かなぁという希望的観測があったからだったりする。例えばHTTPサーバを書こうと思った場合に継承してなんとかできないかぁという。どうなるかは実際に拡張を書いて見ないと分からないという・・・

ついでといっては何ではあるのだが、これを書くために(util concurrent)というJavaのjava.lang.concurrentにインスパイアされたライブラリを書いたりした(ぶっちゃけ名前だけ・・・中身は性質上にても似つかないという・・・)。中身はSRFI-18があれば限りなくR6RSポータルになっているが、SRFI-18をサポートしてる処理系の方が少ないという罠もある。



、(LISP Library 365参加エントリ)


(import (srfi :29))

;; returns current language (e.g. en)

(current-language 'fr)
;; sets language to French

;; returns current country (e.g. us)

(current-country 'nl)
;; sets country to Netherlands

;; returns list of details (e.g. (utf-8))

(current-locale-details '(utf-8))
;; sets details
処理系によってはこの辺の情報を環境変数からとってきたりもします。(e.g. Gauche、Sagittarius)

(let ((translations
       '(((en) . ((time . "Its ~a, ~a.")
                (goodbye . "Goodbye, ~a.")))
         ((fr) . ((time . "~1@*~a, c'est ~a.")
                (goodbye . "Au revoir, ~a."))))))
  (for-each (lambda (translation)
              (let ((bundle-name (cons 'hello-program (car translation))))
                (if (not (load-bundle! bundle-name))
                     (declare-bundle! bundle-name (cdr translation))
                     (store-bundle! bundle-name)))))

(define localized-message
  (lambda (message-name . args)
    (apply format (cons (localized-template 'hello-program

(let ((myname "Fred"))
  (display (localized-message 'time "12:00" myname))
  (display #\newline)

  (display (localized-message 'goodbye myname))
  (display #\newline))
;; If current language is 'fr' then
;; prints 'Fred, c'est 12:00.'
;; and    'Au revoir, Fred.'




(LISP Library 365参加エントリ)


(format "~a~%" Hello world)
;; -> "Hello world"



Is the condition continuable?

Since R6RS, Scheme has continuable exception which I think a good thing so that libraries may choose its behaviour when warning happened. R6RS has even the condition type &warning to let users know this. A bad thing is that, there is no way to know how the condition is raised. Think about this piece of code.
(import (scheme base) (scheme write))

(define-syntax safe-execute
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ expr ...)
      (lambda (e) #t)
      (lambda () expr ...)))))

(guard (e (else (display e) (newline) (raise e)))
  (safe-execute (raise "error huh?")))
The safe-execute just wraps given expression with with-exception-handler so that it can propagate non continuable condition to caller but can continue the process if the condition is just an warning. Now the problem is that, it doesn't propagate the raised condition as it is but modifies to something &non-continuable. For example, if you write the same code in R6RS and run it on Chez Scheme then the original condition's information disappears. (not sure if this is a bug of Chez though.)

So to keep my mind calm and mental health as healthy as possible, it is better to detect if the given condition is raised by raise or raise-continuable. However there is no way to do it with portable way. If you are an R6RS user, you may have slight hope, which is checking &warning or &non-continuable. If a script just wants to tell you an warning, then it usually raises an &warning condition. Thus checking this would make you a bit happy. Although, raise can take any Scheme object including &warning so this solution depends on the behaviour or philosophy of libraries. Moreover, guard without else needs to re-raise the caught condition with raise-continuable. This may cause something unexpected result if such a guard expression is wrapped by with-exception-handler.

Now, look at R7RS. It becomes totally hopeless. It doesn't have condition type, so the only hope that R6RS has is gone. The behaviour of all of related procedures and macro are the same as R6RS and it doesn't provide a procedures which can check if the condition is continuable or not, either. So this is totally depends on implementations.

If this is the case, then how the implementations behave. I've tested above piece of code with 4 implementations, Sagittarius, Chibi, Gauche and Foment. The results are followings;
  • Sagittarius - compounded the condition with &non-continuable
  • Chibi - changed condition with "exception handler returned" message (I guess)
  • Gauche - didn't print message at all (bug?)
  • Foment - propagated original condition.
For Gauche, if I changed raise to error it did print an error object. So it may not allow user to raise non condition object.

I'm not yet sure how important handling runtime exception is on Scheme. I've never written code that considers error other than just catching and logging. So this may be a trivial case.













(import (rnrs))

(define-syntax define-foo
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ name)
       (define name 'foo)
           ((gen (lambda (x)
                   (syntax-case x ()
                     ((k proc)
                      (with-syntax ((bar (datum->syntax #'k 'bar)))
                        #'(define bar proc))))))
            (get (syntax-rules ()
                   ((_) (gen (lambda (o) o))))))

(let ()
  (define-foo name)
  (bar 'a))

Template-id must be a template identifier and datum should be a datum value. The datum->syntax procedure returns a syntax-object representation of datum that contains the same contextual information as template-id, with the effect that the syntax object behaves as if it were introduced into the code when template-id was introduced.
A binding for an identifier introduced into the output of a transformer call from the expander must capture only references to the identifier introduced into the output of the same transformer call. A reference to an identifier introduced into the output of a transformer refers to the closest enclosing binding for the introduced identifier or, if it appears outside of any enclosing binding for the introduced identifier, the closest enclosing lexical binding where the identifier appears (within a syntax <template>) inside the transformer body or one of the helpers it calls.
 これが今一理解できてないのではあるが、外側のコンテキストは内側のコンテキストを参照できないと読めなくもない。(内側のコンテキストが先に作られるので、先にできた束縛を後から作られたものが参照可能だと健全性が壊れるような気がする。) コードをこう書き換えると分かりやすいかもしれない。
(import (rnrs))

(define-syntax define-foo
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ name)
       (define name 'foo)
       (define-syntax gen 
         (lambda (x)
           (syntax-case x ()
             ((k proc)
              (with-syntax ((bar (datum->syntax #'k 'bar)))
                #'(define bar proc))))))
       (define-syntax get
         (syntax-rules ()
           ((_) (gen (lambda (o) o)))))

(let ()
  (define-foo name)
  (bar 'a))


ちなみに、Sagittariusではletを取り除いてやると動いてしまうのだが、これは上記の解釈によればバグである。 っが、今のところ直す気はない。(MPが足りてない)


Resolving let-method (2)

I've got sharp comment on previous article. Apart from the comment, I've found sort of critical issue on thread local storage solution. That is evaluating library form in eval won't add method to generic function. Well library form is not allowed to evaluate with eval on both R6RS and R7RS however Sagittarius allows it. (And I might have already written such code ...)

So forget about thread local storage. For now add-method checks current environment whether or not it's a child environment which is created by either environment procedure or a thread. The name child environment may confuse you but I just don't have any good name for this, so bare with it :) If add-method is called in child environment then it adds method to only in that context. If not, then adds globally.

Difference? Well sort of the same but it has now a way to affect changes globally. In the remote REPL situation discussed in previous article comment, it can be done with with-library macro. Other changes are only in the child context.

;; in remote REPL and we want to apply a patch
(import (sagittarius control))

(with-library (foo)
  ;; fix it
  (define-method bar ...))
This is just a fix before I forget, so it's time to read the paper.


Resolving let-method

The previous article showed that there is a multi threading issue on let-method. In general, current Sagittarius adds generic method globally even whenever it's defined. So if the load loads a script with define-method then the generic method is added to the global binding. Thus the effect is globally done even though it's loaded in child thread.

This is not a good behaviour I believe so I've changed it. Current head has following behaviour;
  • If a method is defined in main thread - adds method globally
  • If a method is defined during importing a library - ditto
  • If a method is defined in child thread and not library importing period - adds thread local storage.
  • Generic functions are inherited from parent thread but child thread can't contaminate parent.
The thread local storage is VM's register I've added, generics (not sure if the name is proper but reasonable isn't it?). The changes are done in three places, add-method, remove-method and compute-methods. There are slight change of slot accessor of generic function as well but this is trivial.

The change of compute-methods is not a big one. It now just considers generic methods of current thread. Like I mentioned above, generic methods are located two places, one is generic function's methods slot and the other one is thread local storage. Thus compute-methods needs to get all methods both the slot and storage.

add-method and remove-method are a bit more tricky. First it needs to detect whether or not it's running on main thread or during library importing period. If the definition is executed on that term then it adds the methods to generic function's slot. If not, then it adds thread local storage with some more information. (currently maximum required argument number.)

Now following piece of code runs as I expected.
(import (rnrs) (clos user) (srfi :1) (srfi :18) (srfi :26))
(define-generic local)
(define (thunk)
  (thread-sleep! 1)
  (let-method ((local (a b c) (print a b c)))
    (thread-sleep! 1)
    (local 1 2 3))
  (local "a" "b" "c"))
(let ((ts (map thread-start! (map (cut make-thread thunk &lt;>) (iota 10)))))
  (for-each thread-join! ts))
;; may prints some of the value
;; then raises an error.
The solution itself might be a bit ugly (treating generic function specially) but behaving properly is more important.



(import (rnrs) (clos user) (srfi :1) (srfi :18) (srfi :26))

(define-generic local)

(define (thunk)
  (thread-sleep! 1)
  (let-method ((local (a b c) (print a b c)))
    (thread-sleep! 1)
    (local 1 2 3))
  (local "a" "b" "c"))

(let ((ts (map thread-start! (map (cut make-thread thunk <>) (iota 10)))))
  (for-each thread-join! ts))


問題はdefine-genericもdefine-methodも単なるマクロで、内部的には総称関数を作ってdefineで定義しているだけという部分と、VMは識別子を一度参照するとGLOCに置き換えるという点である。最初の問題は実はそんなに大きくなく、束縛を作成する際に値が総称関数であれば現在のVMに追加してやればいい。(そもそも子スレッドで束縛を作るというのはいかがなものかという話もあるのだが。) GLOCの問題はGLOCがコンパイルされたコードに埋め込まれつつ、この中身が基本変更されないという前提があることに起因する。GLOCがあるとコピーされた総称関数が参照できないということになる。

  • 総称関数の参照はGLOCにしない
  • 総称関数の呼び出し時にうまいこと解決する


add-methodがスレッドローカルなストレージにメソッドを格納してcompute-methodsがその辺をうまいこと何とかすればいけそうな気がしないでもない気がしてきた。 add-methodにオプション引数としてスレッドローカルか判別するフラグつけて、let-methodが呼び出すadd-methodはそのオプションを受け付けるようにしてやればよさそう。(もしくはadd-method-localを作るか。) remove-methodも同様にしてやる必要があるが、変に上記のようにごにょごにょするよりはすっきりしているかもしれない。

Ambiguous WSDL behaviour?

I haven't read WSDL 1.1 specification thoroughly yet but it seems there is an ambiguous behaviour to create a XML message.

I've prepared following files (it's extremely simplified to make this article short).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<definitions targetNamespace="http://example.com/" name="ExampleService" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:tns="http://example.com/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/">
      <xsd:import namespace="http://example.com/" schemaLocation="schema1.xsd"/>
      <xsd:import namespace="com.example" schemaLocation="schema2.xsd"/>
  <message name="create">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:create"/>
  <message name="createResponse">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:createResponse"/>
  <message name="ExampleServiceException">
    <part name="fault" element="tns:ExampleServiceException"/>
  <portType name="Interface">
    <operation name="create">
      <input message="tns:create"/>
      <output message="tns:createResponse"/>
      <fault message="tns:ExampleServiceException" name="ExampleServiceException"/>
  <binding name="ExampleInterfacePortBinding" type="tns:Interface">
    <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document"/>
    <operation name="create">
      <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
        <soap:body use="literal"/>
        <soap:body use="literal"/>
      <fault name="ExampleServiceException">
        <soap:fault name="ExampleServiceException" use="literal"/>
  <service name="ExampleService">
    <port name="ExampleInterfacePort" binding="tns:ExampleInterfacePortBinding">
      <soap:address location="REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xs:schema version="1.0" targetNamespace="http://example.com/" xmlns:tns="http://example.com/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ns1="com.example">

  <xs:import namespace="com.example" schemaLocation="schema2.xsd"/>

  <xs:element name="ExampleServiceException" type="tns:ExampleServiceException"/>

  <xs:element name="create" type="tns:create"/>

  <xs:element name="createResponse" type="tns:createResponse"/>

  <xs:complexType name="create">
      <xs:element name="request" type="ns1:Request" minOccurs="0"/>

  <xs:complexType name="createResponse">
      <xs:element name="response" type="ns1:Response" minOccurs="0"/>

  <xs:complexType name="ExampleServiceException">
      <xs:element name="message" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xs:schema version="1.0" targetNamespace="com.example" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ns2="com.example">

  <xs:import namespace="http://example.com/" schemaLocation="schema1.xsd"/>

  <xs:complexType name="Request">
      <xs:element name="id" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

  <xs:complexType name="Response">
      <xs:element name="id" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

Now, I've created a sample message on Soap UI and online WSDL analyser. The result of create messages are followings;
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:exam="http://example.com/">
<ns1:create xmlns:ns1='http://example.com/'>
<!-- optional -->
<!-- optional -->
    <ns2:id xmlns:ns2='com.example'>?XXX?</ns2:id>
The point is that online WSDL analyser's one has namespace com.example and Soap UI one doesn't. Well, from the beginning, I don't understand why both request element doesn't have namespace at all.

As far as I know, JAX-WS requires Soap UI format so this is written some where in spec?