Let's start Scheme



(library (srfi :111 boxes)
    (export :export-reader-macro
     box box? unbox set-box!)
    (import (rnrs)
     (clos user)
     (sagittarius reader))

  (define-class <box> ()
    ((value :init-keyword :value :reader unbox :writer set-box!)))
  (define-method write-object ((b ) port)
    (format port "#&~s" (unbox b)))
  (define (box? o) (is-a? o ))
  (define (box o) (make  :value o))

  (define ctr #'box)
  (define-dispatch-macro #\# #\& (box-reader port c param)
    (let ((datum (read port)))
      `(,ctr ',datum)))

(library (srfi :111)
    (export :all :export-reader-macro)
    (import (srfi :111 boxes)))
#&abc              ;; -> #&abc
(unbox #&abc)      ;; -> abc 
(set-box! #&abc 1) ;; -> #<unspecified>

リーダが読み込んだBoxはimmutableが好ましいとは言われているけど、 そこは気にしない。とりあえず手元にある処理系でこのリーダーマクロをサポートしてるのはRacketのみだったという事実もあったりする。



脱BoehmGCへの道 実装編(4)



(import (clos user) (sagittarius control)
        (sagittarius mop validator))
(define-class <person> (<validator-mixin>)
  ((name   :init-keyword :name)
   (gender :init-keyword :gender
           :validator (lambda (o v) (or (memq v '(male female))
                                        (error 'boo))))))
(define-class <business-man> (<person>)
  ((job    :init-keyword :job)))
(let ((man (make <business-man> :name 'john :gender 'male :job 'neet)))
  (dotimes (i 10000) (make-vector 1000))
  (print (slot-ref man 'name))
  (print <person>)) ;; Boom!!
<person>が持ってる<validator-mixin<が回収されても更新されないので出力しようとした際に不正なアドレスを指して死亡する。 こういうのが発生するとクラスタグみたいなのは単なるタグにしておけばよかったと後悔するのだが、これはこれべ便利なので泣かない・・・

うまい解決方法が思いつかないのだが、タグに使われているクラスがGC対象のスペースにあった場合は先に回収してしまうという荒業でいけるだろうか?ただ、scavengeが後で呼ばれることになるのでその際に既に移動してるって怒られる気がするんだよなぁ。 まぁ、とりあえず試してみるか・・・


R7RS ratification vote

The reason why this is English article is simply I don't know the proper translation of  'ratification vote' and felt it's awkward to write it in hiragana or katakana. Sorry, my bad :)

The ratification vote has been started. I'm not quite sure if I will vote or no and if I would, I would vote to 'yes' that's because Sagittarius has whole functionalities, not because I totally agreed with it.

Nobody expects 100% agreement, I believe, probably 70 to 80%. However mine is much lower than it. The reason is it's not stepping forwards but backwards. These are the stuff I think R7RS went backwards from R6RS.

[Low level macro]
A lot of *pure* Schemer think syntax-case is too huge to be in the specification. Actually I totally agree with it (well, that's because it was really hard to implement but as user's perspective it's really convenient). However, R6RS at least put low level hygiene macro in it. I think that's a big step forward. On the other hand, R7RS simply removed it without alternatives. I know it is hard to decide which low level hygiene macro should be in. And now we don't have any way to make R7RS macros compatible with R6RS macros except syntax-rules.

I'm following the discussion since 2011 (I guess) and probably missed why they dropped it without any alternatives. But I can guess the reason, low level hygiene macro is too big to put in RnRS so they probably thought let WG2 handle this. It might be a clever decision but since we already have it, then it is definitely not the best decision, that's because implementations don't have to implement all of libraries defined in WG2.

[Library syntax]
I agree R7RS library syntax much more flexible and convenient than R6RS one. However that simply made existing R6RS libraries not to be able to run in R7RS implementations. As far as I know, currently only 2 implementations are fully implemented with R7RS, Chibi Scheme and my Sagittarius (if you know other, please let me know. I want to try). And Chibi only supports R7RS library syntax means it can't use useful R6RS libraries (like industria or so, before you say 'is there such a library?' :P).

They were probably aiming to use R5RS codes on R7RS implementation easily, like SSAX or so. However, I'm doubting if it was a better way. I don't know why they needed to introduce the brand new  syntax instead of using the existing one. For me, it seems they simply didn't like R6RS or maybe try not to make any confusion.

[Reader macro]
As you already know, reading R6RS source code might not be possible on R7RS implementation because of the difference of bytevector lexical syntax. I totally have no idea why they changed this. I know it's different from SRFI-4 but SRFI is not a specification. Not all Scheme implementation has extensible reader macro like Common Lisp so this simply breaks capability even just reading S-expression file written by R6RS implementation. Honestly, this totally sucks!

I've been feeling that R7RS was for people who didn't agree with R6RS or even hate. I know that's not true. I believe the Scheme spirit is not dropping off the necessary functionalities nor reminiscing good old days. But why R7RS looks like this? Or maybe that's because I'm not a pure Schemer?

At least there are loads of good stuff, one of them is implementing R7RS Scheme would be much easier than implementing R6RS one. So there would be loads of Scheme implementations again :P

Sagittarius 0.4.4リリース

Sagittarius Scheme 0.4.4がリリースされました。今回のリリースはメンテナンスリリースです。

  •  sqrtに巨大数を与えると非正確数が返される不具合が修正されました
  • (atan 0.0)がエラーになる不具合が修正されました
  • string-scanが不正な値を返す不具合が修正されました
  • get-output-string及びget-output-bytevectorから一度しか値が取り出せない不具合が修正されました
  • UTCタイムオフセットがマイナスの地域でcurrent-dateがエラーを投げる不具合が修正されました
  • aproposが動作しない不具合が修正されました
  • 巨大数のexptのパフォーマンスが改善されました
  • shared-object-suffix及びset-pointer-value!手続きが(sagittarius ffi)に追加されました
  • dbi-fetch-all!に既定処理が実装されました
  • key-check-value手続きが(crypto)に追加されました
  • ->tlv及びread-tlv手続きが(tlv)に追加されました
  • 64bitと32bitの識別子がcond-expandで使えるようになりました




(import (tlv))

(->tlv '((#xC9 (#x4F . #xA000000310) ;; AID的な何か
               (#xA0 1 2 3 4))       ;; この行は適当
         (#xEF)))                    ;; タグEF 長さ0の値
;; -> (#<tlv :tag C9> #<tlv :tag EF>)
;;    => C9 0D 4F 05 A0 00 00 03 10 A0 04 01 02 03 04 EF 00

;; バイトベクタに変換するのはちと面倒だけどこんな感じ
;; tlv-list->bytevector作った方がいいかな?
(bytevector-concatenate (map tlv->bytevector (->tlv '(...))))
tlv-list      ::= (tlv-structure*)
tlv-structure ::= (tag . value)
tag           ::= <integer>
value         ::= ((tlv-structure)*) | <bytevector>
               |  <integer>    | octet*







(import (rnrs))
;; from Ypsilon
(define-syntax define-macro
  (lambda (x)
    (syntax-case x ()
      ((_ (name . args) . body)
       #'(define-macro name (lambda args . body)))
      ((_ name body)
       #'(define-syntax name
           (let ((define-macro-transformer body))
             (lambda (x)
               (syntax-case x ()
                 ((e0 . e1)
                   (apply define-macro-transformer
                          (syntax->datum #'e1))))))))))))

;; hygiene
(let ((x 1))
  (let-syntax ((boo (syntax-rules ()
                      ((_ expr ...)
                       (let ((x x))
                         (set! x (+ x 1))
                         expr ...)))))
    (boo (display x) (newline))))

;; non hygiene
(let ((x 1))
  (define-macro (boo . args)
    `(let ((x x))
       (set! x (+ x 1))
  (boo (display x) (newline)))

;; expanded
(let ((x 1))   ;; frame 1
  (let ((x x)) ;; frame 2
    (set! x (+ x 1))
    (display x) (newline)))

;; frame 1
'(((x . 1)))

;; frame 2
'(((x . x))  ;; *1
  ((x . 1)))
話を簡単にするために、環境フレームは変数と値のペアをつないだもの(alist)とする。まぁ、多くの処理系がこの形式を使ってると思うけど。健全なマクロと非健全なマクロそれぞれの展開形はどちらも同じに(というと嘘が入るが)なる。コメントのframe 1及び2はその下にあるコンパイル時の環境フレームのイメージを示している。


健全なマクロではマクロ内で定義された変数をマクロ外から参照することはできない。なので展開後の式とframe 2の環境イメージは実際には以下のようになる。
(let ((x 1))
  (let ((~x x))
    (set! ~x (+ ~x 1))
    (display x) (newline)))
;; frame
(((~x . x))
 ((x . 1)))

最初の方法だと、マクロ展開器は何が変数を束縛するかということを知っていなければいけない。 そうしないと上記の例のように変更してはいけないシンボルまでリネームしてしまうことになるからだ。値側のシンボルも実はリネームされるんだけど、マクロ束縛時の環境フレーム(frame 1)を参照して外側のletで束縛されたシンボルを見つけて同じ名前にするということが行われる。


ただ、どちらの場合もsyntax-rulesを実装するだけならたぶん必要なくて、Chibi Schemeのようにsyntactic closureを使ってer-macro-transformerを実現するとかでなんとかなる。(syntactic closure自体の実装で環境の束縛とか参照が必要にはなるけど、上記ほど複雑にはならない・・・はず。)




OCI binding

If you are a professional programmer, then you can't avoid Oracle (or you need to be really lucky). I'm also one of them.

I was using either GUI (mostly Quantam DB) or Sagittarius ODBC binding. Both have some problems but by now it worked pretty fine for me. The reason I've decided to write it was it's getting annoying to use some thing not supporting to dump BLOB data thoroughly or requiring to configure connection setting somewhere difficult to find.

As you already knew, there is the API to use Oracle directly called OCI (Oracle Calling Interface). Well, since I have FFI then why not write a binding for it? It would make my life much easier than now. I was really hoping like that. If everything would have gone well, I wouldn't have written this article. Yes, I've met THE problem.

If you have an experience using ODBC, then you might have thought like this: 'this API requires cast no matter what'. OCI also has this and I call it problem. When this become a problem is actually certain situations such as binding parameters. Sagittarius converts input Scheme object to relevant C object. However it doesn't support casting. So at this point, my motivation had disappeared.

Then it revived like phoenix. My FFI doesn't support cast however most of the values can be converted to bytevector (it can be done by R6RS). Now I have got some lights to go through this crappy API jungle (it's well designed actually).