Let's start Scheme






I've organized the labels so that there were too many of them; however it's still a lot. Well, I think I have to decide what I will write. I don't think writing something I just want to is a wrong way, but it's not a good way, either. (Maybe it's not a strong decision, even though I do think about it strongly right now. Because it's my way, you know)



`Dear, dear! How queer everything is to-day! And yesterday things went on just as usual. I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think: was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is, Who in the world am I? Ah, THAT'S the great puzzle!'




There were some disappointment in this week.

* I couldn't get the job which I got interviewed 2 times, after all.
Actually, I did know the possibility that I couldn't get the job, because they said they wasn't ordered yet. However I expected, of course, I could. Then I have to find something else.

* I've checked my English level and it was awful.
Well, it was a grammar test then I realized how I didn't know about it and how it wasn't improved. Actually the recognition of lacking it isn't so bad, probably it's good. I've just lost my confidence.

By the way, when I was watching a drama in English with subtitles, I always read the subtitle first and then I recognized what they said in English. Well, what I wanted to say was I still need some help to understand them completely, of course sometimes I realized their mistakes.
Understanding a long sentence like there are a lot of relative clauses or modified words, this sentence is probably a good example, is still so difficult for me, expecially only sound. Of course, shortage of vocabulary is one of the biggest problem.
I don't know why, maybe I do. In English, it is basically supposed to be said a result first then explanations, of course there are a lot of exceptions. However in Japanese, it's usually opposite. So, if I missed a first few words, I could usually not understand what they said.
One more reason why I can't understand. I think English pronunciation is more abstract than Japanese is. Maybe it's my misunderstanding. However it's not the same as some of examples on Japanese audio textbook or something made in Japan for Japanese English learner. I meant in drama the actors usually don't speak so clear. It's just my opinion, so maybe they do with some differences from Japanese one.

Well, what I wanted to say was my English is still suck.







Job interview

Now, I'm, of course, seeking a job. Yesterday I had the interview which was the second stage's one to get a job. Peaple who have registered a job agency must know the system of job interview, that's this. It has some complicated step to be decided, and makes me annoying.

Anyway, the interview was not so bad. I'm glad that I have the skill to talk to someone who I don't know. So, I think I could give them a good impression. However they and I don't know if we, I mean they and I, will get a job or not. This is a part of the complicated system. They haven't had the project yet, however they wanted some member in case they get it.

Well, I hope I get it. They said they would receive the answer from their client in 2 weeks, and if they wouldn't, we would lose the oppotunity. It's kind of ridiculous, eh? But it's still easier than Canada...